by Wester Auction 1209 W Market Street, Smithfield NC 27577 227 items ACCEPTING BIDS Location: 1209 W Market St, Smithfield, NC 27577 Auction Type: Online Bidding Only Coordinator: Elizabeth Stuart, 919-946-9889, elizabethstuart@we... Show more VIEW AUCTION SMITHFIELD, NC VIEW LIVE END JAN ...
View Het Westerdok in de sneeuw by Frans Koppelaar on artnet. Browse upcoming and past auction lots by Frans Koppelaar.
西田光学westerautorol66折叠相机最后一代,品相很好如图所示,基_傻瓜机/胶片相机: 西田光学westerautorol66折叠相机最后一代,品相很好如图所示,基本上不能使用了,当摆件机配件机出售7【午后时光】【7788收藏】
西田光学westerautorol66折叠相机最后一代,品相很好如图所示,基_傻瓜机/胶片相机: 西田光学westerautorol66折叠相机最后一代,品相很好如图所示,基本上不能使用了,当摆件机配件机出售7【午后时光】【7788商城】
西田光学westerautorol66折叠相机最后一代,品相很好如图所示,基本上_傻瓜机/胶片相机: 西田光学westerautorol66折叠相机最后一代,品相很好如图所示,基本上不能使用了,当摆件机配件机出售7【午后时光】【7788商城】
3293★Wester-Model-Ⅱ折叠皮腔相机: 【外观如图所示,品相请自定】镜头(Olympus_Zuiko_F.C_1:3.5/7.5cm_504377)快门扳手能扳动,快门能跳动,快门各档及定时均能使用,未详细,不保证其精确度。小档位光圈闭合有时候会有点迟涩,需要清理。未详细检测,其余具体情况不详
Invasion was produced byWesterhaus Amusement Co.in1943. Westerhaus Amusement Co. released 9 machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1943. Westerhaus Amusement Co. was based in United States. Other machines made by Westerhaus Amusement Co. during the time period Invasion was...
WESTER蝮蛇高端相机: 相机、镜头以及配件都没有测试(部分简单快门标识),好坏不知,不合并邮费,出价代表认可,不接受退货(故意新号/退货/投诉/中差评一律拉入保险箱),都是新老朋友长期支持,买过都说好,非常感谢!祝你们好事连连,请看好再拍,没有托拍,退货率大于5
1426★NKK_Wester_S-2折叠皮腔相机/机身编号:41959_傻瓜机/胶片相机: 【外观如图所示,品相请自定】镜头(WESCON_F.C._1:3.5/7.5cm_No.A17093)快门扳手能扳动,快门能跳动,快门各档均能使用,未清理,不保证其精确度。未详细检测,其余具体情况不详。【蒋夫子收藏】【77
During auctions you are not allowed to speak and influence other players. Bid higher or pass quickly in turn order. We can all laugh yes, but please wait until after the auction is finished. You are allowed to bid higher than the money you own (bluffing) but if you win the auction and...