1] (contrasted with, for example, Article 10(2)), [...] legco.gov.hk 鑑於法院所給予的尊重程度和對[ 《第一號議定書》第 1 條 ] 施加的限制屬 一般性質( 例如相對於第 10(2)條而言) , 要辯稱干預並不能達到合法目的, 這論點實際上有否任何勝算,似乎成疑。 legco.gov.hkThis can be...
a请输入您需要翻译的文本!CLINICALPHARMACOLOGY(continued) CLINICALPHARMACOLOGY (继续)[translate] aAdditionally, it intuitively stands to reason that presenting many slight variations of the same relevant document in web search results may increase the MAP or NDCG score, yet would be suboptimal for users...