Enter the world of Weekend Max Mara: discover new collections, the Signature Collection, the Journal and lots of new pieces. Shop online, with free shipping and returns.
Enter the world of Weekend Max Mara: discover new collections, the Signature Collection, the Journal and lots of new pieces. Shop online, with free shipping and returns.
Enter the world of Weekend Max Mara: discover new collections, the Signature Collection, the Journal and lots of new pieces. Shop online, with free shipping and returns.
Enter the world of Weekend Max Mara: discover new collections, the Signature Collection, the Journal and lots of new pieces. Shop online, with free shipping and returns.
Enter the world of Weekend Max Mara: discover new collections, the Signature Collection, the Journal and lots of new pieces. Shop online, with free shipping and returns.
WeekendMaxMara官方微博 2月11日 10:00 来自微博网页版 蛇来运转,辞旧迎新。Weekend Max Mara #新年吉礼# 2025蛇年胶囊系列,以萌趣点缀,解锁新春造型。即刻打开手机淘宝搜索#天猫奢品#,关注Weekend Max Mara官方旗舰店【O网页链接网页链接】,共度欢悦新春。@天猫奢品上班了 ...
官方微博 - 悠游另一座城,遍拾旅途惊喜。Weekend Max Mara将高雅华美和匠心工艺相结合,亦将威尼斯的悠久历史深深融入其中,尽释杰出技艺与独到风采,以革新的艺术视角,致敬历史绝然之美。 前沿 春日甜品铺正式营业!CASETiFY 携手黄油小熊推出联名系列 “保利美高梅博物馆”送别圆明园兽首铜像 ...
Weekend Max Mara 携手美国演员露西·海尔 (Lucy Hale),联袂呈献 2024-25 秋冬联名系列“悦享旅途”(JoyRoad),充分展现荒野公路旅行的不羁格调。海尔的创作灵感源自一次充满想象力的公路寻根之旅。这段旅程激发了她对大自然的热切向往,以及对个性风采、自我接纳与精神自由的不懈追求。只需追随内心的指引,无论目标...
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Weekend Max Mara 携手意大利品牌 Giuliva Heritage,倾情打造 2025-26 秋冬精选系列“Fine Settimana”。Giuliva Heritage 由 Gerardo Cavaliere 与 Margherita Cardelli 联合创立,