[Soul Shard tracker] Check out my other weak aura collections in my signature. Added your post to the main WA thread and added it into the OP, if/when you make the other specs post them here and I'll update them as you do...
Hi, I don't need much I'm just looking for a weak aura that shows me how many stacks of Demonic Core I have and then also one showing me how many Imps I have out. Thanks!
CPU优化,如有条件加载/卸载显示,模块化和防止全aura扫描 强大的自定义选项,如动画路径,显示/隐藏代码和自定义触发器,为精通lua的用户 快速启动 打开选项窗口,输入/ wa或/ weakauras聽到你聊天和回车或使用小地图图标。 扩展 WeakAuras Companion:该应用程序添加了Wago之间缺失的链接。io和魔兽世界插件,让您更新您的光... Starting to upload/update my WeakAuras here. Maybe they can be useful for someone else. What are the dot timers you are using called? can anyone post a simple soul shard weak aura too please? Reply With Quote 2016...
I stopped using the aura and then reformatted and didn't save that aura so was just going my memory. I'll double check for ya. - - - Updated - - - Originally Posted by Shawx Hey Guys, Im using WA for a long time now and im still pretty good at creating things like I want ...
i need a soul shard weak aura just an icon showing a count. Reply With Quote 2020-04-17, 09:04 AM #2 Atrieus Field Marshal Join Date Mar 2020 Location UK Posts 68 There is 100s of different types. Just import the one you...
Imps weak aura bars not showing Hi all I've incorporated Not's demonology weak auras and have been experiencing issues. Sometimes the Wild Imp bar does not show but the counter indicating the number of imps does. This usually occurs when I use Hand of Guldan and implosion to blow up an...