WDA Wildlife Disease Association (Lawrence, KS) WDA Wisconsin Dental Association WDA Writing Down Allowance (tax; UK) WDA Wyoming Department of Agriculture WDA Warsaw Destination Alliance (Warsaw, Poland) WDA Web Document Analysis WDA Working Dog Association WDA Wear Debris Analysis (oil analysis) WDA...
Hari SharmaSharma, H. P., Shaner, P. J. L., Bam, A. B. and Achhami, B. 2016. Gastrointestinal parasites of sympatric Red Panda and livestock in protected areas of Nepal. 65th International Conference of the Wildlife Disease Association, July 31- August 5, New York, USA....
While the fungus Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola is often present within lesions, the association is correlative and a causative relationship had not been established. The U.S. Geological Survey's National Wildlife Heath Center experimentally infected captive-bred corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus) with O...
Social interactions can be formalized as contact networks, which have great potential to better interpret the spread of infectious disease within susceptible wildlife populations. Focusing intervention efforts on individuals with the highest contact rates could minimize the number of animals requiring ...
Emerging infectious diseases pose severe threats to wildlife heath and contribute to species declines and extinctions at a rate that indicates a sixth mass extinction may be under way. Marine turtle fibropapillomatosis (FP) is an infectious neoplastic disease that is linked to a chelonid fibro...