Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, $30,000 –“West Branch Hicks Run Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP) Restoration” This project will replace two culverts with timber deck bridges on tributaries to West Branch Hicks Run that are currently barriers to AOP. This stream has a Class A wild Brook Trout...
EPA Elements of the Lolo Watershed Restoration Plan. ...119EPA 1. Problems/Concerns ...119EPA 3. Measures needed to mediate problem...119EPA 4. Technical and Financial
Metals Restoration Strategy for the Little Blackfoot Watershed TMDL Planning AreaThe Little Blackfoot River extends approximately 47 miles from its headwaters to the mouth where itmeets with the Clark Fork River. The watershed encompasses 264,124 acres (approximately 413 square miles) and...
water Article Fingerprinting Suspended Sediment Sources in an Urbanized Watershed Kritika Malhotra 1, Jasmeet Lamba 1,* , Puneet Srivastava 1 and Stephanie Shepherd 2 1 Biosystems Engineering Department, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA; kzm0063@tigermail.auburn.edu (K.M.); srivapu@auburn...