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当前的电子语音称重系统基本都是"模拟称重传感器+模/数转换器+单片机+语音芯片+数/模转换器+扬声器"结构,电路复杂,开发成本高,系统运行可靠性差。 2. The intelligent weighting system which is based on the digital sensor technique is a research direction of Cars Weighting technology in nowadays. 本文以MS...
18.The Water Level Detection System Using Capacitance Sensor in Solar Water Heater基于电容传感器的太阳能热水器水位检测系统 相关短句/例句 electric heater电热水器 1.The mechanical structure of the automatic welding machine for double circular gap welding of the inner pipe assembly in anelectric heateris...