超纯水(Ultrapure water)又称UP水,是指电阻率达到18 MΩ*cm(25℃)的水。这种水中除了水分子外,几乎没有什么杂质,更没有细菌、病毒、含氯二噁英等有机物,当然也没有人体所需的矿物质微量元素,也就是几乎去除氧和氢以外所有原子的水。可以用于超纯材料(半导体原件材料、纳米精细陶瓷材料等)应用蒸馏、去离子化、...
Water, substance composed of the chemical elements hydrogen and oxygen and existing in gaseous, liquid, and solid states. It is one of the most plentiful of compounds and has the important ability to dissolve many other substances, which was essential to
cold water: 冰水 (在冰箱冷藏过的水) room-temperature water: 常温的水 warm water: 温水 (温水国外餐厅一般不提供, 可以要 hot water 冷却) hot water: 滚烫的水 NO.02 餐厅点“水”必备 餐馆点“水”,可不是 water 要详细说明哪种“水” 点餐时服务员经常会问:sparkling or...
Water: molecular and chemical characteristics 2.2.U1 Water molecules are polar and hydrogen bonds form between them. 2.2.U2 Hydrogen bonding and dipolarity explain the cohesive, adhesive, thermal and solvent properties of water. 水占据生命体的很大部分,比如人的细胞大约80%是水。水由一个氧原子和两个...
Water(feat. ZOHARA) - KREAM/ZOHARA Oh I'm swimming in emotion Give you water my devotion like nobody like nobody You got me trippin' in a motion But your nation overflowing It's your body it's your body You know that I'd ride it and die for you You know I got ...
-Urban water management: urban drainage; storm water management; sewerage; local water storage; permeable pavement systems. Water footprint assessment: water consumption & pollution along supply chains; virtual water trade; international water dependencies; sustainability, equitability and efficiency of ...
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Around the world, there are existing technologies and water management approaches to shift our trajectory from water scarcity to security. But in order to do so, we have to change the way we think about water.
涅槃重生的《Water》,在水刊的路上越走越远 知名“水刊"《Water》,想必做环境科学的朋友再熟悉不过了,实打实的一本毕业神刊(很多学校已经把这个期刊拉入黑名单里,所以投稿前要注意一下这个期刊是否在你学校的指定期刊范围内)。 那么,该刊真的是有稿就收,来者不拒?