“The Queen’s Gambit” premiered on Netflix in October last year to excellent reviews and outstanding ratings for the streaming giant. It told the story of chess prodigy Beth Harmon (Anya Taylor-Joy), during the Cold War. Scroll down to watch our 12 exclusive video interviews with top Emm...
15. The Queen’s Gambit Credit: Charlie Gray/Netflix Anya Taylor-Joy became a household name from this popular, award-winning limited drama series based on a Walter Tevis novel from the '80s. Taylor-Joy is Beth Harmon, a cold, withdrawn orphan who strives to become a world chess champion...
Netflix on Thursday released a teaser trailer for The Queen’s Gambit, a limited series starring Peaky Blinders‘ Anya Taylor-Joy as a brilliant, tortured woman intent on smashing competitive chess’ glass ceiling.More from TVLineBig Mouth Taps Comedian Ayo Edebiri to Replace Jenny Slate as ...
The Queen's Gambit Scott Frank Set For WGA East’s Career Achievement Award 12/11/2024 by Erik Pedersen Deadline Film + TV Why Modern Streaming Owes Everything to 1980s TV 12/10/2024 by Lisa Babick TVfanatic Anya Taylor-Joy: “Dior” 12/10/2024 by Unknown SneakPeekIMDb...