Iconic German submachine gun, seen in countless war movies. 6 M2 Browning 1,943 votes 50 caliber machine gun used by US forces from 1933 until now. 7 StG44 2,128 votes German fully-automatic assault rifle - the first of its kind. ...
000-THE 20/20 EXPERIENCE-Justin Timberlake 02-1,329,000-UNORTHODOX JUKEBOX-Bruno Mars 03-1,323,000 分享126赞 战争片吧 SOUL迪尔🐷 Sky movies评出的世界100最佳战争片skymovies是由英国天空电视台经营的收费电视电影频道的总称,率属于英国天空广播公司,他大约拥有500万观众,通过卫星、有线电视和IPTV为英国...