This tutorial will discuss the methods of waiting for the completion of a thread in C#. ADVERTISEMENT Wait for a Thread to Finish With theTask.WaitAll()Method inC# TheTask.WaitAll()methodin C# is used to wait for the completion of all the objects of theTaskclass. TheTaskclassrepresents ...
self.done_at_no = self.last_req_nodefdestroy(self):forthreadinself.threads:# raise ExitThread in every threadctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(ctypes.c_long(thread.ident), ctypes.py_object(ExitThread))withself.lock:# Wake up all waiting threads to handle exceptionself.thread_cv.noti...
When I queried the call stack to see what the worker thread is doing, it is waiting on the line "my_thread_monitor.commit_wait(c);" in private_server.cpp file.Questions1. I'm not able to reason out why the scalability is totally lost because of this change. In my cas...
staticint32_tvqec_reader_start(test_vqec_reader_params_t*p){structcompletionwait_reader_spawned;structin_addrsrc,dst;uint16_tport;inttunerid;uint32_tuse_iobufs;uint32_tuse_iobuf_size;int32_tuse_timeout;structsocket*sk;start_params_tparams;if(!p) {return(0); }if(p->use_module_param...
In my program, I create a number of TP_WORK objects and submitting to threadpool. Here I want to wait for all the work to be finished. I am using VS2010. The following is the workflow of my program: class CWork { //data members ...
#include <cassert> #include <chrono> #include <concepts> #include <condition_variable> #include <functional> #include <mutex> #include <shared_mutex> #include <stop_token> #include <thread> #include "make_test_thread.h" #include "test_macros.h" template <class Mutex, class Lock> void ...
public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { BufferedReader keybr=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; Socket socket=null; try { socket=new Socket("localhost",9999);//连接本地服务端 PrintStream ps=new PrintStream(socket.getOutputStream());//获取输出流,用于...
The await operator doesn't block the thread that evaluates the async method. When the await operator suspends the enclosing async method, the control returns to the caller of the method.In the following example, the HttpClient.GetByteArrayAsync method returns the Task<byte[]> instance, which ...
static int triangle_worker_thread_func(int32_t p) static void do_triangle_work(triangle_worker& tworker) { triangle_worker& tworker = v->tworker; for (const int32_t tnum = p; tworker.threads_active;) { tworker.sembegin[tnum].wait(); if (tworker.threads_active) { triangle_worker...
static class Printer extends Thread { LinkedList pending = new LinkedList(); Printer() { setName("Printer"); setDaemon(true); } void add(Target t) { synchronized (pending) { pending.add(t); pending.notify(); } } public void run() { ...