" the analysis said. "Households that spend more on goods and services with faster-rising prices naturally face higher inflation. In 2021, a household’s inflation experience was closely linked to the share of its consumption spending accounted for by energy and transportation, items whose prices ...
Salaries of Academics in Health Administration: Have Wages Kept Up With Inflation (2009-2015)?Our study combines data collected in 2009,2012, anJamiDepartmentDelliFraineDepartmentChristyDepartmentLemakDepartmentPaulDepartmentHalversonDepartmentNirDepartment...
But not everyone necessarily got a pay cut as a result. The 5.4% jump in annual inflation is an average of many items — and households aren't necessarily buying the ones that are getting much costlier. For example, the metric includes prices for used cars and trucks, which are up ...