我的原因是因为:在上级组件和下级组件都使用useStore()获取store // store.tsimport{InjectionKey}from'vue'import{createStore,useStoreasbaseUseStore,Store}from'vuex'import{app,AppState}from'./modules/app'// 为 store state 声明类型exportinterfaceState{app:AppState}// 定义 injection keyexportconstkey:In...
setup(){const{searchText,onSearch}=storeToRefs(useSearchStore())return{searchText,onSearch}}, See error [Vue warn]: Injection "Symbol(pinia)" not found I don't know what went wrong, Or it can't be used forvue-electron? thank you help~...
defaultValue() : defaultValue; } // 警告没找到 else if ((process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')) { warn(`injection "${String(key)}" not found.`); } } // 如果没有当前实例则说明则报警告。 /
warn(`A plugin must either be a function or an object with an "install" ` + `function.`); } // 支持链式调用 return app; }, provide(){ // 省略... 后文再讲 } }); } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. ...
env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { warn(`Injection "${key}" not found`, vm) } } } return result } } 可以看到,如果是from的注入方式,则使用 while 循环一级级找父节点,然后从父节点的_provided里面得到这个inject属性的值;如果是default的注入方式,则直接赋值即可。
if(keyinprovides){returnprovides[keyasstring]}elseif(arguments.length>1){returndefaultValue}elseif(__DEV__){warn(`injection "${String(key)}" not found.`)} 文档中提到了 “全局 API 更改提案中 App 级别的 provide”: store 也可以通过全局 API 更改提案中 App 级别的 provide 来提供,但是消费它...
vue文件: const wrapper =mount(Lookup) 在执行时,生成: console.warn [Vue warn]: injection "Symbol([vue-router]: router)" not foundat <Anonymous ref=" 浏览457提问于2021-08-12得票数 1 回答已采纳 1回答 用Vue-路由器进行快照测试 、、、 我试图在使用Vue-cli应用程序创建的Vue应用程序中运行jest...
name:"NotFound", component:() =>import("@c/404.vue"), meta: { title:"404", auth:false, }, }, { path:"/:pathMatch(.*)", redirect:"/404", }, ]; // 配置router constrouter =createRouter({ history:createWebHistory(),
The third point is that the attribute change inStore This article mainly explains the first point. The second point is in my last article,learning the overall architecture of vuex source code, and creating your own state management library. I will not go into details in this article. The thi...
table: selection-change not triggered in unchecking (019555b), closes #1053 table: size not worked in editComponentProps (7971896), closes #1074 table: fix getSelectRows for treeTable (f2b8bb4), closes #1003 table: fix injection not found warning (53e79a2) types: fix some type errors ...