1. 什么是"hydration node mismatch"错误? 在Vue.js中,特别是在使用Vue SSR(服务器端渲染)时,"hydration node mismatch"错误是一个常见的警告。这个错误发生在Vue尝试将服务器端渲染的HTML与客户端的Vue实例进行“挂载”或“水化”(hydration)的过程中。如果服务器端渲染的HTML与客户端Vue实例生成的虚拟DOM不匹配...
Package Manager:Yarn Bundler:Vite User Config:meta,buildModules Runtime Modules:- Build Modules:nuxt-windicss@2.0.2 Describe the bug A warning occurs in console when i add a@clickattribute in html tag [Vue warn]: Hydration node mismatch: - Client vnode: i - Server rendered DOM: <svg xml...
Package Manager:Yarn Bundler:Vite User Config:meta,buildModules Runtime Modules:- Build Modules:nuxt-windicss@2.0.2 Describe the bug A warning occurs in console when i add a@clickattribute in html tag [Vue warn]: Hydration node mismatch: - Client vnode: i - Server rendered DOM: <svg xml...
Node Version: v20.5.0 Nuxt Version: 3.6.5 Nitro Version: 2.5.2 Package Manager: npm@9.8.0 Builder: vite User Config: alias, app, csurf, dayjs, devtools, i18n, image, modules, pwa, runtimeConfig, security, viewport, vueEmail, vuetify Runtime Modules: @hebilicious/authjs-nuxt@0.2.0-b...
ssr: fix hydration mismatch with adjacent text node from slots (b080a14), closes vuejs/vue-loader#974 ssr: handle inline template compilation error (dff85b2), closes #6766 use correct ns inside <foreignObject> as root node (cf1ff5b), closes #6642 use MessageChannel for nextTick (6e41679...
<!DOCTYPE html>
A whitespace-only text node between element tags is removed if it contains new lines. Otherwise, it is condensed into a single space. Consecutive whitespaces inside a non-whitespace-only text node are condensed into a single space. Using condense mode will result in smaller compiled code size ...
今天我们继续来说说 Vue,目前一直在自学 Vue 然后也开始做一个项目实战,我一直认为在实战中去发现问题...
emit('hook:beforeMount') } toggleRecurse(instance, true) if (el && hydrateNode) { // vnode has adopted host node - perform hydration instead of mount. const hydrateSubTree = () => { if (__DEV__) { startMeasure(instance, `render`) } instance.subTree = renderComponentRoot(instance) ...
hydration:fix tagName access eeror on comment/text node hydration mismatch (dd8a0cf), closes#9531 types:avoid exposing lru-cache types in generated dts (462aeb3), closes#9521 warn:avoid warning on empty children with Suspense (#3962) (405f345) ...