"STM32F10X_HD" ], "compilerPath": "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\bin\\clang-format.exe", "cStandard": "c11", "cppStandard": "c++17", "intelliSenseMode": "clang-x64" } ], "version": 4 } 注意:如果提示variable “uint32\_t” is not a type name不是一个type类型。则需要 添加宏定...
I am trying to set up the VSCode C/C++ extension to work correctly with the code for my RP2040. I have got most aspects working now but, similar tothis StackOverflow post, I can't figure out how to make the tooling acknowledge the definition ofuint32_t. My configuration looks something...
如果提⽰**uint32_t是未定义的类型**在defines下添加__GNUC__c_cpp_properties.json⽂件:{ "configurations": [{ "name": "Win32","includePath": ["${workspaceFolder}/**"],"defines": ["_DEBUG","UNICODE","_UNICODE","USE_HAL_DRIVER", // "STM32F411xE", // "__GNUC__" // ],...
打开.vscode\c_cpp_properties.json 添加内容 “__CC_ARM”, “__STATIC_INLINE=static” 成品: {"configurations": [ {"name":"Win32","includePath": ["${workspaceFolder}/**", ],"defines": ["_DEBUG","UNICODE","_UNICODE","__CC_ARM","__STATIC_INLINE=static"] } ],"version": 4 } ...
#define HXTAL_VALUE ((uint32_t)16000000) /*!< value of the external oscillator in Hz */ 这个宏定义的具体数据取决于外部晶振,笔者的外部晶振是16MHz 自然这个宏定义放在其他头文件也可以,但是最好放在一个能被各个.c文件引用到的头文件,比如gd32e10x.h ...
uint32_tshould be defined just likeuint8_t. Logs Running C/C++ Log Diagnostics: --- Diagnostics - 2/15/2021, 1:49:19 AM Version: 1.2.0 Current Configuration: { "name": "Linux", "includePath": [ "/home/gudni/Downloads/nRF5_SDK_17.0.2_d674dde", "/home/...
1.1 搜索\ttab 字符 无论是单个文件内搜索,还是全局搜索; 输入\t后, 需要勾选正则匹配(.*那个icon): 1.2 搜索行尾空格字符 \s$ 1.3 正则查找 例如想查找 opencv 中的 v_uint8 的定义, 并且隐约猜测这个 v_uint8 可能有多种定义, 不同平台定义不一样; 此时 F12 跳转定义就显得有点鸡肋和误导, 需要...
() 以避免使用半主机模式 */void_sys_exit(intx){x=x;}/* 标准库需要的支持类型 */struct__FILE{inthandle;};FILE __stdout;intfputc(intch,FILE*stream){/* 堵塞判断串口是否发送完成 */while((USART1->ISR&0X40)==0);/* 串口发送完成,将该字符发送 */USART1->TDR=(uint8_t)ch;returnch;}...
vscode变量类型: 1、变量要有明确的类型 2、var name type (var 是声明变量的关键字,name 是变量名,type 是变量的类型) 3、var a ,b *int (声明两个都为指针的变量) 4、go语言的类型: bool string int、int8、int16、int32、int64 uint、uint8、uint16、uint32、uint64、uintptr ...