Multi-modalityandauto-contextinformationfusion这篇文章中网络的输入为多模块的,如T1, T1-IR, and T2-FLAIR,将多模态的MRIconcate到一起作为输入auto-context:自动上下文是一种有效的图像分割算法,它通过学习一系列分类器(如随机森林)将图像外观(即我们案例中的体数据)与上下文信息结合起来(Tu和Bai,2010)。 给定...
Finally, a fusion loss function is proposed to fuse the structural loss and the class loss of the model to reduce the influence of unbalanced data and class differences on the reconstruction effect. The experimental results show that the average IoU of the proposed network is 0.670 in the 13 ...