项目名称:VLMCSD项目简介:KMS Emulator in C (Currently runs on Linux, Mac OS, iOS, Windows with or without Cygwin)项目 作者:Wind4 项目主页:https://github.com/Wind4/vlmcsd 发布页面:https://github.com/Wind4/vlmcsd/releases 软件下载:https://github.com/Wind4/vlmcsd/releases/download/svn1113/bi...
net start KMSSrv # Open Port:1688 netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="KMS Emulator Server" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=1688 至此,KMS服务器算是搭建完毕了,接下来,就要测试下服务器是否生效,同样在刚才解压的工具软件目录下,找到如下客户端程序并拷贝到系统文件夹,参照下述命令执行:...
所以专门找来最小巧的KMS服务器模拟器vlmcsd推荐给大家(单个执行文件,只有50K,不放心的自行用源代码编译),新装系统上不装任何软件直接激活,最新也支持Win10和Office2016。经过我自己测试确认OK,特此分享! VLMCSD - KMS Emulator in C (currently runs on Linux including Android, FreeBSD, Solaris, Minix, Mac OS...
项目名称:VLMCSD 项目简介:KMS Emulator in C (Currently runs on Linux, Mac OS, iOS, Windows with or without Cygwin) 项目主页:https://github.com/Wind4/vlmcsd 软件下载:https://github.com/Wind4/vlmcsd/releases 部署本地KMS服务器:# Copy 1.准备一个 Linux 环境 2.下载vlmcsd:wget https://github...
net start KMSserver 启动服务(Linux) 在Linux系统中,可以使用systemd进行管理,编辑守护文件/etc/systemd/system/vlmcsd.service如下: [Unit] Description=KMS Emulator in C Wants=network.target After=syslog.target [Service] User=nobody Restart=on-failure ...
基于vlmcsd搭建的KMS服务器。 KMS Emulator in C (currently runs on Linux including Android, FreeBSD, Solaris, Minix, Mac OS, iOS, Windows with or without Cygwin) vlmcsd论坛源文地址:https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/emulated-kms-servers-on-non-windows-platforms.50234/ ...
Microsoft KMS Activation Determine the IP address of the KMS server on your local network. For example, let it be Usage Start a Command Prompt as an Administrator on your Windows PC and run the following commands: For Windows 11 Professional slmgr.vbs -ipk W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-...
KMS Emulator in C (currently runs on Linux including Android, FreeBSD, Solaris, Minix, Mac OS, iOS, Windows with or without Cygwin) - mklsw/vlmcsd
# touch /etc/systemd/system/kms-script.service # chmod 664 /etc/systemd/system/kms-script.service # nano /etc/systemd/system/kms-script.service Add the following service description to the file: [Unit] Description=MSFT KMS Server Emulator ...
KMS Emulator in C (currently runs on Linux including Android, FreeBSD, Solaris, Minix, Mac OS, iOS, Windows with or without Cygwin) - xiaguliuxiang/vlmcsd