广受欢迎的 VLC Media Player 开源媒体播放器软件已更新到 3.0.19 版,这是继 VLC 3.0.18 发布近一年后的又一版本,其中包含大量改进和错误修复。 VLC 3.0.19 版本的亮点包括改进了软件解码对 AV1 HDR 的支持,支持 WAV 音频文件的 RIFF INFO 标签,改进了对带有翻转 RAW 视频平面的 AVI 文件的支持,改进了 c...
在播放器领域中,能够跟 Mplayer 争夺 “播放器之神” 头衔的只有 VLC 播放器了,全称称为vlc media player,软件体积很小但功能强大,今天小编给各位小伙伴带来的为手机版,如同桌面版的VLC一样拥有强大的功能,vlc视频播放器官方版是一款开源免费的跨平台多媒体播放器,可以支持绝大多数视频和音频文件,并支持网络串流和...
1. 安装VLC Media Player 首先,确保你的Windows系统上已经安装了VLC Media Player。如果尚未安装,可以...
vlc media player安卓版功能 1.支持 360° 视频和 3D 音频,高达 Ambisoncics 3rd order 2.支持 10bits 和 HDR 3.可以流式传输视频到 Chromecast 设备,即使格式不是本机支持的 4.支持高清音频编解码器的音频直通 (audio passthrough) 5.现已支持浏览本地网络驱动器和 NAS ...
VLC Media Player is the most advanced yet portable multimedia player. Many users of this multimedia player get the best support to enjoy their entertainment. This program supports a wide variety of formats likeMPEG-4, MPEG-2, MPEG-1, MP3, and DivX. The most outstanding features of this tool...
https://www.videolan.org/vlc/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VLC_media_playerVLC媒体播放器(俗称VLC)是由VideoLAN项目开发的免费,开源的 便携式 跨平台 媒体播放器软件和流媒体 服务器。 VLC适用于台式机操作系统和移动平台,例如Android,iOS, iPadOS, Tizen,Windows 10 Mobile和Windows Phone。
Go to Settings > Apps > Apps and Features, find VLC Media Player, and click "Uninstall."Features and Highlights 8K support (hardware decoding is on by default) Chromecast/Google Cast support HDR and 10-bit video HMDI Audio passthrough Network browsing for NAS systems 360 video and 3D audio ...
All in all, VLC Media Player may not have a user interface that matches Apple’s design guidelines, but its extensive set of features speaks for itself once you put it to work. What’s more, its GPL license and comprehensive multimedia format support are surely worth taking into consideration...
and alsoRoku. In addition, there are plans to improve support for playback, video quality, and scaling ofHDRvideos across all major VLC platforms with an upcoming version 4.0 update. VR support will be improved, too, so that consumers can watch traditional movies in a virtual environment when...
The latest versions include security updates, improvements for Blu-ray and HDR (high dynamic range), 4k (and 8K) playback support, and hardware acceleration. VideoLAN President Jean-Baptiste Kempf is quoted as saying "VLC runs everywhere, plays everything.” That is the whole point of VLC Me...