pnpm add vite-plugin-inject-cordova-and-dev-mode -D添加到你的 rollup.config.jsimport { injectCordovaAndDevModePlugin } from 'vite-plugin-inject-cordova-and-dev-mode' export default defineConfig({ plugins: [ injectCordovaAndDevModePlugin(), ], })...
二、使用 @rollup/plugin-node-resolve 解决模块之间引用问题 rollup-plugin-node-resolve 用途:解决依赖安装问题,让node支持ESM规范。使用@rollup/plugin-node-resolve解决模块之间引用问题 三、在 Vite项目中,使用插件 @rollup/plugin-inject 注入全局 jQuery 1、问题背景:在一次项目脚手架升级的过程中,将之前基于 web...
import the plugin import { InjectCssToJsPlugin } from 'vite-plugin-inject-css-to-js'; export default defineConfig({ plugins: [ // 2. add it to the plugins list InjectCssToJsPlugin(), ], });Supports using the 'beforeInjectCss' hook to customize the return of your CSS code, such ...
vite-plugin-inject-externals 简体中文 |English 在vite打包时将指定的包改为从CDN引入。 script标签和link标签可以注入到指定位置。 减少构建时间,并提高生产环境中页面加载速度。 安装 通过npm下载 npm install --save-dev vite-plugin-inject-externals
npm i -D vite-plugin-inject-preload # yarn yarn add -D vite-plugin-inject-preload # pnpm pnpm add -D vite-plugin-inject-preload 👨💻 Usage All the files needs to be process by ViteJS to be find by the plugin. For example, if I load this CSS file : ...
The default behavior of this plugin takes all the CSS code of your application directly to the entrypoint generated. TherelativeCSSInjectionif configured totruewill inject the CSS code of every entrypoint to the relative importer. Set this option totrueif you are using the multiple entry point op...
GitHub - vbenjs/vite-plugin-compression: Use gzip or brotli to compress resources vite-plugin-compression 是一个基于 Vite 的插件,用于 gzip 或 Brotli 压缩你的资源,从而减少页面的加载时间和网络带宽,提高用户访问速度和体验。 安装: pnpmaddvite-plugin-compression -D ...
The plugin is used to inject CSS into JS files, so there will not generate CSS files. It is mainly used to pack some libraries with fewer styles, for example, A component that has been encapsulated. The user using the library will not need to import extrally a CSS file. ...
importviteCompressionfrom'vite-plugin-compression' // exportdefaultdefineConfig({ plugins: [ visualizer({open:true}), // 将下面的添加到plugin下 createHtmlPlugin({ minify:true, inject: { data: { vue:'< src=""></>',...
import {createHtmlPlugin} from 'vite-plugin-html';...const indexReplaceHolder = '//fakePrefix';...plugins: [ createHtmlPlugin({ template: 'index.html', minify: true, inject: { data: { htmlWebpackPlugin: { options: { title: config.title, navCss: isProduction ...