第一节 维生素D缺乏(Vitamin D deficiency disease) 一、维生素D的的正常代谢和调节 维生素D是脂溶性维生素,现认为它具有激素的性质,但其在未经机体有关系统处理前,不论内源性者(胆骨化醇),或从食物中摄取的D2和D3(麦角骨化醇),均不具生物活性,它们须在肝细胞骨先经25-化酶系统作用,使其转变为25-羟基胆骨...
维生素D相关文献exploring study on the cutoff of vitamin d deficiency in chinese adults.pdf,49 5 Vol. 49 No. 5 第卷第期卫生研究 2020 9 JOURNAL OF HYGIENE RESEARCH Sep. 2020 699 年月 :1000-8020 (2020)05-0699-06 ·· 文章编号 论著 檾檾檾檾檾檾檾
VitaminDdeficiencyisacommon,potentiallyreversiblecontributortomorbidityThemembersofthewritingcommittee andmortalityamongcriticallyillpatients.ThepotentialbenefitsofvitaminD(AditA.Ginde,M.D.,M.P.H.,RoyG.Brower, M.D.,JeffreyM.Caterino,M.D.,M.P.H., ...
Vitamin D deficiency is measured with a blood test that measures 25(OH)D. This is the form of D3 that has undergone conversion by the liver; although it is still inactive and requires further conversion by the kidneys to active vitamin D3, 1,25(OH)D. ...
维生素 D 缺乏性佝偻病(Vitamin D Deficiency Rickets)为婴幼儿时期常见,佝偻病列为儿童保健四病( 缺铁性贫血、维D缺乏性佝偻病、肺炎、腹泻) 之一,致病原因:饮食中缺乏维生素D,日光照射不足,为维生素D需要量增加如未成熟婴儿;长期患病妨碍维生素...
Vitamin D is clearly not a panacea, and is most likely efficient only in deficiency. Given its rare side effects and its relatively wide safety margin, it may be an important, inexpensive, and safe adjuvant therapy for many diseases, but future large and well-designed studies should evaluate ...
Interim Vitamin D Guideline: Deficiency and Insufficiency in Adults Does the patient have any risk factors or symptoms? (see Appendix 1) No ..
Eighty-eight percent of patients with severe sepsis had vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency (serum 25-OHD < 75 nmol/L). Median serum 25-OHD concentration was 43.2 nmol/L. There was no significant difference in serum 25-OHD levels between ALI cases and controls (median 45.8 versus 39.0 ...
vitamin D deficiency in children,which was associated with metabolic syndromes and obesity.It was more prevalent in children who spend less time on outdoor activities,in obese children,and in cases when there was imbalance between nutritional intakes and requirements.Vitamin D deficiency is common ...
What Is Vitamin D Deficiency? A vitamin D deficiency means you don't have enough of this vitamin in your body. You need vitamin D to grow and maintain your bones. You could be at risk for deficiency if you don't get enough sunlight on your skin, you have a disorder that reduces your...