In Visual Thinking for Design, Colin Ware takes what we now know about perception, cognition, and attention and transforms it into concrete advice that designers can directly apply. He demonstrates how designs can be considered as tools for cognition - extensions of the viewers brain in much the...
Design basics like form, color, orientation, contrast, etc., are viewed from this more science oriented perspective, revealing how they guide visual search activity and provide cues for attention.Colin WareVisible LanguageWare C. Visual thinking for design[M]. Beijing: China Machine Press, 2009:...
6 is in essence Colin Ware’s book Information Design in 25 pages. It quicklytells you about the working of the eye, preattentive design, colors, context and the Gestalt Laws. A bitshort for my taste. I feelthat those subjects which have such a big impact on the effectiveness of a...
But that there are aspects of each that come into play when it comes to determining an appropriate visualization and design for a given situation (of which there may be more than one). Science should have an important role in this. But this doesn’t dictate every design choice we make, a...
Ware, ColinWare, C. (2005). Visual queries: The foundation of visual thinking. In S. O. Tergan & T. Keller (Eds.), Knowledge and information visualization: Searching for synergies (Vol. 3426, pp. 27-35). Berlin: Springer- Verlag Berlin....
for encoding data. Since Bertin’s seminal work, the best books on this topic have been written by Colin Ware:Information Visualization: Perception for DesignandVisual Thinking for Design. Everyone working in the field of data visualization should read these books. Vendors developing data ...
While an expert was analysing the patterns, he remarked that, “Some… linear patterns are actually could be genuine (sic)” - P4, and another positive comment stated that: “Like I'm looking at this Dashboard and my brain is just spinning thinking about what these animals are actually ...
In Visual Thinking for Design, Colin Ware takes what we now know about perception, cognition, and attention and transforms it into concrete advice that designers can dire...Increasingly, designers need to present information in ways that aid their audiences thinking process. Fortunately, results ...
Colin WareAnne T GilmanRobert J BobrowSpringer, Berlin, HeidelbergInternational Conference on Theory and Application of DiagramsColin Ware , Anne T. Gilman , Robert J. Bobrow, Visual Thinking with an Interactive Diagram, Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Diagrammatic Representation and ...
Ware, Colin (2005), Visual queries: The foundation of visual thinking. In: Tergan, Sigmar-Olaf & Keller, Tanja (Hrsg.) (2005), 27-35.C. Ware, "Visual Queries: The Foundation of Visual Thinking", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3426, pp. 27-35, 2005....