如果這是您第一次使用 Visual Studio 建立 UWP 應用程式,則會出現 [為 Windows 啟用開發人員模式] 對話框。 選擇 開發人員設定,以開啟 [設定] 。 開啟開發人員模式,然後選擇 [是] 。 Visual Studio 會為您安裝額外的開發人員模式套件。 套件安裝完成時,請關閉 設定 對話框。建立...
Learn features of the Visual Studio debugger and how to start the debugger, step through code, and inspect data in a C# application.
將事件處理程式和隨機數學問題新增至Visual Studio集成開發環境 (IDE) 中的數學測驗 Windows Forms 應用程式。
Right-click on function.json and select to open it in Visual Studio. Given the previous steps of this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of C# attributes. Taking that into account, this JSON should look familiar. However, there are a few items that were not covered in earlier...
【本文参考微软教程】Tutorial: Import the C++ standard library using modules from the command line 先决条件 本教程需要 Visual Studio 2022 17.5 或更高版本。 警告 本教程适用于预览功能。此功能可能会在预览版本之间发生更改。不应在生产代码中使用预览功能。
Let's start by creating a folder and opening it in VS Code. You'll use this folder throughout the tutorial. Open Visual Studio Code. When you first open VS Code, you should see theWelcomepage with different actions to get started. ...
Follow this tutorial to learn how to create a new WPF app for .NET with Visual Studio 2022. WPF apps run on Windows.
Open a Visual Studio Project file In this step-by-step tutorial, you will open the sample project and insert an example program named AddTwo.asm. Go to theExamples\Project32folder in the disk directory that contains the book's sample programs. Ordinarily, the full path will be c:\Irvine\...
Schrittweises Tutorial 10 Minuten Mit ML.NET in Visual Studio Ihr erstes Modell für maschinelles Lernen trainieren und verwenden C++ Entwicklungstools und -bibliotheken für C++-, C und die Assemblysprache stehen als Teil von Visual Studio unter Windows zur Verfügung. Sie könne...
Tutorial paso a paso de 10 minutos El uso de ML.NET en Visual Studio entrena y usa su primer modelo de machine learning C++ Las bibliotecas y herramientas de desarrollo de C++, C y lenguaje ensamblador están disponibles como parte de Visual Studio en Windows. Puede usar C...