依據 Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 SDK 的授權條款,下列 .exe 檔案可在未經修改的前提下,與您的整合應用程式一同轉散發: VSSDKTestHost.exe vs110_piaredist.exe vs_isoshell.exe vs_isoshellLP.exe vs_intshelladditional.exe vs_intshelladditionalLP.exe Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop ...
Unlike older versions of Visual Studio, which have infrequent redist updates, the version number isn't listed in the following table for Visual Studio 2015-2022 because the redist is updated frequently. To find the version number of the latest redist, download the redist you're interested in us...
vs110_piaredist.exe vs_isoshell.exe vs_isoshellLP.exe vs_intshelladditional.exe vs_intshelladditionalLP.exeVisual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop Visual C++ 執行階段可轉散發套件的可散發程式碼Visual C++ 可轉散發套件包含在未安裝 Visual Studio 2012 之電腦上使用 C++ 透過 Visual Studio 2012...
vs110_piaredist.exe vs_isoshell.exe vs_isoshellLP.exe vs_intshelladditional.exe vs_intshelladditionalLP.exeVisual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop Visual C++ 執行階段可轉散發套件的可散發程式碼Visual C++ 可轉散發套件包含在未安裝 Visual Studio 2012 之電腦上使用 C++ 透過 Visual Studio 2012...
[099C:098C][2024-01-27T14:47:43]i330: Removed bundle dependency provider: VC,redist.x64,amd64,14.29,bundle [099C:098C][2024-01-27T14:47:43]i352: Removing cached bundle: {9057ceb3-ab14-4d3a-aa99-38d2d660e604},frompath: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{9057ceb3-ab14-4d3a-aa99-...
[0704:0AC8][2016-10-30T12:36:04]: Burn v3.6.3536.0, Windows v6.3 (Build 9600: Service Pack 0), path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 1\_Installer\vc\vc2012Update3\redist\vcredist_x64.exe, cmdline: '' [0704:0AC8][2016-10-30T12:36:04]: Setting string variable ...
这是某些版本的 Microsoft Visual Studio 2012(以下简称“软件”)的 Microsoft 软件许可条款中“可分发代码”部分提到的“REDIST 列表”。 请查看当前软件版本的许可条款,以确定这些许可条款是否提及此 REDIST 列表。 如果你有这种软件的有效许可副本,则可以遵照软件的许可条款以及指明的附加条款或条件(如果有),以未经...
https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe 下载后运行并按照安装页面提示进行安装。 注意:不同版本间的安装界面会不一样,但操作流程基本相同。 开始安装 以2015版为例: 勾选“同意许可”后单击“安装” 安装过程 安装完成后提示重启。 用途:主要用于解决运行软件时出现如下类似的报错信息: ...
Unlike older versions of Visual Studio, which have infrequent redist updates, the version number isn't listed in the following table for Visual Studio 2015-2022 because the redist is updated frequently. To find the version number of the latest redist, download the redist you're interested in us...
ARM64 https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.arm64.exe Permalink for latest supported ARM64 version X86 https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x86.exe Permalink for latest supported x86 version X64 https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe Permalink for latest supported x64 ...