such as glaucoma, can have few noticeable signs during early stages of development. Most vision screenings are designed to perform an extremely wide sweep of potential problems, and may miss these apparently minor details.
Concussions are traumatic brain injuries caused by a hard blow to the head that can affect the size of the pupils. In fact, pupil size may be one of the signs of a serious brain injury that requires emergency medical help. People who have experienced head trauma from an auto accident, a...
Hazy vision that might be worse in bright light Weaker vision at night, particularly when driving; trouble seeing movement, details, or objects (especially street signs) Blinding or uncomfortable glare from automobile headlights or bright sunlight A need for brighter light for reading Colors look fad...
Signs and Symptoms Sudden vision loss is vision loss that occurs over a period of a few seconds or minutes to a few days. Vision may become blurry or cloudy, completely absent, or affected by flashing lights or specks in the visual field called floaters. Part of the field of vision or...
If flashing lights and wavy lines suddenly appear in your vision, beware: These visual tricks, called kaleidoscope vision, are signs of a migraine.
Early warning signs and symptoms Symptoms of a detached retina may occur abruptly or increase suddenly. When visual retinal detachment symptoms are present, they may include: Flashing lights(similar to “seeing stars”) Dark spotsin your vision ...
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and threaten your vision. Diabetic retinopathy -- caused by damage to the blood vessels in the eye -- is the biggest cause of blindness in adults. Blurred vision, spots, lines, or flashing lights are signs that it's time to s 高血糖和高血压两个在您的眼睛可能损坏敏感结构和威胁您的视觉...
Beta-adrenergic receptor blocking agents may mask the signs and symptoms of acute hypoglycemia and clinical signs (eg, tachycardia) of hyperthyroidism. Use caution in patients subject to spontaneous hypoglycemia or in diabetic patients (especially those with labile diabetes) who are receiving insulin or...
Signs of diabetic retinopathy include blurry vision, floaters and dark spots in the field of vision;fluctuating vision; dark or empty areas in the field of vision; and impaired color vision. “Some diabetics on oral insulin may need to be converted to injectable to control their diabetes better...