It is clear that there are patterns in the ethnicities of perpetrators and victims and geographical distribution of child rape gangs and some other forms on men’s violence against women and girls. It is not racist to say this, but it is racist to extrapolate from this to make assumptions ...
Immediate needs: A collective analysis of the Violence Against Women Act of 1995F. Roru
Although there is comprehensive extant literature on behavioral health outcomes for emerging adults in college, relatively little is known about the correlates and predictors of sexual violence against women who identify as sexual minorities, particularly during their first year of college. To our knowled...
subsequently was granted jurisdiction over a range of women’s issues, including rape and forcedpregnancy. In a resolution adopted in 2008 the UNSecurity Councilaffirmed that “rape and other forms of sexual violence can constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity or a constitutive act with respe...
the rights of religious freedom; domestic violence against women; gender and law1. Introduction The freedom to have religion is part of a person’s rights as a human being. This right is inherent from the time the human is born. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) contains the...
Wiesner, M.; Chen, V.; Windle, M.; Elliott, M.N.; Grunbaum, J.A.; Kanouse, D.E.; Schuster, M.A. Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Brief Symptom Inventory–18 in women: A MACS approach to testing for invariance across racial/ethnic groups.Psychol. Assess.2010,22,...