<Shift> shift键 <Ctrl> ctrl键 <Alt> alt键 <F1>-<F12> F1到F12功能键<k0>-<k9> 小键盘数字0到9 <S-x> 大写S配合x,意味着shift+x组合键 <C-x> 大写C配合x,意味着ctrl+x组合键 <A-x> 大写A配合x,意味着alt+x组合键 常用映射 CapsLock 注意:CapsLock在vim中无法被捕获,所以必须用额外的软件...
ifnot working_directory: returnlist( flags ) new_flags = [] make_next_absolute = False path_flags = ['-isystem','-I','-iquote','--sysroot='] forflaginflags: new_flag = flag ifmake_next_absolute: make_next_absolute = False ifnot flag.startswith('/'): new_flag = os.path.join...
For me, at least on Ubuntu, Shift+Ins is not working. PS: I am not sure why Ctrl+R followed by *, which is theoretically the same as Ctrl+R followed by + doesn't seem to work always. I searched and discovered the + version and it seems to work always, at least on my box. S...
" Git plugin not hosted on GitHub Plugin 'git://git.wincent.com/command-t.git' " git repos on your local machine (i.e. when working on your own plugin) Plugin 'file:///home/gmarik/path/to/plugin' " The sparkup vim script is in a subdirectory of this repo called vim. ...
{ "key": "shift+;", "command": "vim.showQuickpickCmdLine", "when": "editorTextFocus && vim.mode != 'Insert'" } Or for Zen mode only: { "key": "shift+;", "command": "vim.showQuickpickCmdLine", "when": "inZenMode && vim.mode != 'Insert'" } How can I move the cursor...
I want to map ctrl-tab to :tabn, and ctrl-shift-tab to :tabp. I had it working for gVim in Windows XP, but moved it to my .vimrc in Ubuntu 9.10 and it doesn't work (vim 7.2). Here's the relevant section of my .vimrc: ...
Use Shift-TAB to cycle backwards. Note that if you're using console Vim (that is, not Gvim or MacVim) then it's likely that the Shift-TAB binding will not work because the console will not pass it to Vim. You can remap the keys; see the Options section below....
光标定位到你想删除的插件,按shift+d 重新编辑.vimrc,把刚刚删除的那个插件的相关项删除 ctags使用 === ctags不是vim的插件,是一个独立的程序,用来生成代码索引库的 安装:sudo apt-get install ctags 使用前必须生成数据库:ctags -R 符号跳转:ctrl + ] 符号跳转不包括局部变量,想要查看局部变量...
attach:命令为attach?PID,这个命令把一个已经运行的进程(在gdb外启动)连接入gdb,以便调试。PID是进程号,当gdb接到attach命令后第一件事就是停止进程的运行 detach:与attach相对应,不多解释 thread:命令为thread?THREADNO,把线程号为THREADNO的线程设为当前线程。命令行参数THREADNO是gdb内定的线程号。