18 Yrckimi_clip1 1 人观看 15:30 Kanli.Av_clip6 8 人观看 Grave_1_clip5 7 人观看·10年前 Zle Filmfull 387个粉丝 分享 Grave_1_clip5 其它视频 1:29:01 Bodyguard - www.filmfullizle.net 142 人观看 1:30:11 badass - www.filmfullizle.net 26 人观看 21:56 Jersey.Shore.3 2.9千次...
Suporte para Kinesis API Video Streams e bibliotecas de produtores O Kinesis Video APIs Streams permite que você crie e gerencie streams e leia ou grave dados de mídia de e para um stream. O console do Kinesis Video Streams, além da funcionalidade de administração, também oferece...
Hardcore Anal Hydrogen - Come On Idiots - Video clip HARDCORE ANAL HYDROGEN Online VideoMetalMusicArchives.com — the ultimate metal music online community, from the creators of progarchives.comExtrait du 3ème album de Hardcore Anal Hydrogen : "The Talas of Satan", sortie le 1er avril 2014...
Each clip in this dataset shows one single activity. Generally, it spans over 10 to 25 s. The ground-truth captions are annotated by multiple humans. On average, each clip has approximately 40 ground-truth captions in English. For benchmarking, the training, validation, and testing splits ...
wherenvideois the entire dataset of clips present in the prediction set,tvideois the predicted video clip that matches the video to which query belongs to, andrankoutputs the position of a caption innvideosorted by probability of match of video. On the basis of this evaluation metric, Top-...
China plans to train more than 150,000 general practitioners during the five years until 2020 to cope with a national shortage, according to a document unveiled Tuesday. Int'l training on high-speed trains held in central China More than 30 railway staff from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekista...
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # T Video Game Music T2- The Arcade Game (Genesis) - Analyzing Performance T2- The Arcade Game (Genesis) - Boss Theme T2- The Arcade Game (Genesis) - Mission 1 T2- The Arcade Game (Genesis) - Mission 2 T2...
also hear this clip as an example of the homo-negative firestorm that has since erupted conflating abuse with some gay agenda and same gender consensual sex: Walk good Peace and tolerance H Rate this: Author GLBTQ Jamaica ModeratorPosted on April 9, 2014Categories Advocacy Response, Audio Posts...
MAZE OF SOTHOTH "The Outsider" (Official Videoclip) MAZE OF SOTHOTH Online Video MetalMusicArchives.com — the ultimate metal music online community, from the creators of progarchives.com Share this online video more Related links Showall MAZE OF SOTHOTH online videos ...
Zu mˆglichen (und unmˆglichen) Verh‰ltnissen von Musik und Geschlecht. Oder: Geschlechterkon-struktionen im Videoclip. ́ In: Rock- und Popmusik. Hg. v. Peter Wicke (= Hand-buch der Musik im 20. Jahrhundert 8). Laaber: Laaber, S. 187-225. Blume, Jutta (1993). ª...