您好,这个ID是标准软盘控制器,也就是Standard floppy disk controller,对应的驱动文件是fdc.sys。
我看看 设备描述: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(XXXXXXXXU1172CONTROLLER) 设备类型:大容量存储设备 协议版本: USB 2.00 当前速度: 高速(HighSpeed) 电力消耗: 98mA USB设备ID: VID = 048D PID =1172设备修订版: 0100产品制造商: XXXXXXXX 产品型号: U1172CONTROLLER产品修订版: 0.00 主控...
China vows to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation with Portuguese-speaking countries (PSCs) to safeguard world peace, inject new impetus into the economic recovery and development, as well as jointly fighting against COVID-19. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang made the remarks on April 10, while at...
All the patients have been transferred to a designated hospital for treatment, while 48 close contacts on the same flights with them have been put under quarantine. Imported asymptomatic infections The first two cases are b...
"I suppose it would be comforting, in a very human way, to be able to point to a person or an event that is responsible for all the misery of COVID-19, or any other virus for that matter," said Neuman. "In stories, th...
DHAKA, April 11 (Xinhua) -- A survey report has said the COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a heavier blow to the Bangladeshi hospitality sector. The survey, published on Sunday, estimated that the country's hospitality sector incurred a loss of about 173 billion takas in gross value added during...
The ABS survey found 62 percent of households had undertaken at least one COVID-19 test in the previous four weeks, up from 46 percent in March. It also revealed how Australians' habits have changed since the start of the pandemic.
按照这个进步速度,下届世界杯日本队最起码会进入四强,我相信整个世界足坛都不会怀疑,谁菜谁才会去怀疑。 开心快乐加倍:四强还是需要点运气的,日本现在的水平又没有明显高出欧洲球队,只是达到了世界强队的水平 Wong:日本很强 但是现在世界杯还没有任何球队敢直接说必进四强吧 ...
HighSpeed)电力消耗: 98mA USB设备ID: VID = 048D PID =1172 设备修订版: 0100 产品制造商: XXXXXXXX 产品型号: U1172CONTROLLER 产品修订版: 0.00 主控厂商: iTE(联阳)主控型号: IT1172 A3CA 闪存识别码:8984643C - Intel(英特尔) L85C - 1CE/单通道 [MLC-16K] -> 总容量 = 16GB ...
COVID-19疫情活动尚未以最强力度袭击美洲,特别是拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区,同时这些国家应该准备好应对接下来数周内的疫情迅速增强,这是泛美卫生组织(PAHO)办事处主任今天警告说。 在其它地方,更多的国家——一些趋于缓和、一些趋于加剧——部分非洲国家病例数激增以及部分亚...