Explore the world of Victoria Beckham Beauty at Selfridges, where luxury meets innovation in the realm of cosmetics. Designed by the iconic fashion mogul herself, this collection embodies sophistication and style. From meticulously crafted eyeshadows to exquisite lip shades, Victoria Beckham Beauty offer...
"I started Victoria Beckham Beauty because I knew people were interested in it, but I wanted to do it the way I wanted to do it, really focusing on clean beauty. Product ingredients were key. In the past, I struggled with my skin for many years. When I was younger I went to dermato...
这样的谨慎与Victoria Beckham Beauty败走中国不无关系,该品牌曾于2020年7月通过天猫国际旗舰店在中国上市,在开店之初即与薇娅合作售卖在天猫国际独家推出的“发光套装”(Power Glow Set),2000份礼盒在5分钟内即售罄。 从品牌的定位来看,Victoria Beckham Beauty进入中国的这一步并非冲动之举,这个品牌“纯净”的理念在...
"I started Victoria Beckham Beauty because I knew people were interested in it, but I wanted to do it the way I wanted to do it, really focusing on clean beauty. Product ingredients were key. In the past, I struggled with my skin for many years. When I was younger I went to dermato...
Victoria Beckham Beauty has recently expanded its offerings by launching a trio of fragrances. This new venture comes four years after Victoria Beckham
Beckham Beauty入驻天猫国际 36氪获悉,7月28日,维多利亚·贝克汉姆个人美妆品牌Victoria Beckham Beauty正式入驻天猫国际,开设“Victoria Beckham海外旗舰店”,这是该品牌首度进入中国市场。Victoria Beckham Beauty由贝嫂和前雅诗兰黛全球化妆品开发与营销主管Sarah Creal联合创立,主打clean beauty(纯净美妆)。
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VICTORIA BECKHAM AUGUSTINUS BADER CELL REJUVENATING POWER SERUM Multi-target serum with TFC8® for more youthful, radiant skin Add to Cart STEP 3: MOISTURISE VICTORIA BECKHAM AUGUSTINUS BADER CELL REJUVENATING PRIMING MOISTURIZER Lightweight moisturizer powered by TFC8® for restored, primed skin ...
Victoria Beckham与Victoria Beckham Holdings首席执行官Marie Leblanc 2019年10月,Marie Leblanc在上任之初,便充分利用了Victoria Beckham的明星影响力,为品牌打造了美妆线Victoria Beckham Beauty,提供了能够面向大众的平价产品。这条美妆线,在一年后就实现了收支平衡,达到了730万镑的营业额。2021年,Marie Leblanc...
NET-A-PORTER 美国站 现有 Victoria Beckham Beauty 美妆 上新,优惠随时可能失效,满$300免国际运费。 贝嫂的个人美妆品牌 Victoria Beckham Beauty 终于登陆 NET A PORTER 啦,高级的大理石纹包装炒鸡有质感,眼线笔触感丝滑好上色,渐变眼影盘随意切换妆容风格~ ...