039 Les Miserables - Victor Hugo 462020-11 3 040 Fathers and Sons - Ivan Turgenev 322020-11 4 041 Crime and Punishment - Feodor Dostoyevsky 422020-11 5 042 The Brothers Karamazov - Feodor Dostoyevsky 482020-11 6 043 Little Women - Louisa May Alcott 352020-11 7 044 Far From the Madding ...
Victor was so happy. He told his sister, his mother and his father. “You see,” his father said. “You did find your stamp. So, it’s good to have two things in life. ”“What are they?” Victor asked. “Friends and patience.” He answered. ...
雪花伴着铃儿叮当作响,在这冒着粉红色气泡的圣诞季里我也想蹭上圣诞老人的旅程呼哧呼哧跑到你面前,送你一份圣诞礼物[小仙女]@娱小鹅 ✖️@远洋乐堤港 联合带来🎄圣诞应援福利🔅无论是安利偶像还是对爱豆表白, ...展开全文c