Advanced Trauma Life SupportAnaesthesia Trauma and Critical CareVicarious traumatization (VT) is a transformation in the self of a trauma worker or helper that results from empathic engagement with traumatized clients and their reports of traumatic experiences. Its hallmark is disrupted spirituality, or...
必应词典为您提供vicarious-traumatization的释义,网络释义: 替代性创伤;替代性受创;
Vicarious Traumatization: The Other VT DynamicsLortie, Patsy
替代性创伤 Vicarious traumatization 替代性创伤 Vicarious traumatization 替代性创伤(VT)是创伤工作者或帮助者自身的一种转变,是由于与受害客户的移情交往及其创伤经历的报告而导致的。这是一种特殊形式的反向转移,是通过接触服务对象的创伤性物质而刺激的。它的标志是精神上的破坏,或创伤工作者感知意义和希望的破坏...
替代性创伤(vicarious traumatization),其定义为:一种助人者的内在体验的转变,是因为救援者对当事人的创伤事件产生同情的结果。即救援者在与创伤事件的当事人交流时,被当事人的内在体验所影响,间接感受到了灾难发生时当事人的创伤性体验,由此给救援者带来的某种影响。救人亦需自救。 ...
替代性心理创伤(vicarious traumatization)最初是指专业心理治疗者因长期接触患者,受到了咨访关系的互动影响,而出现类似病症的现象,即治疗者的心理也受到了创伤。替代性创伤也会出现在地震、火灾等灾难救援工作者或其他创伤性事件的救治者和接触者身上。『陆林:空难可能对大众造成“替代性心理创伤”』O陆林:空难可能对...
VICARIOUS TRAUMATISATION.VICARIOUS TRAUMATISATION.Discusses the effect of vicarious traumatization on emergency nurses. Details on witnessing suffering in nursing practice; Components of constructivist self development theory; Contributing factors of vicarious traumatization; Ways to reduce potential vicarious ...
Vicarious traumatization: The relationship of absorption, emotional empathy and exposure to traumatized clients to ptsd symptom-like behavior in therapistsSome psychotherapists who work with clients with a history of severe trauma have reported intrusive images, thoughts, nightmares, avo...
Vicarious traumatization: The effects of empathy and trait arousability.Moosman, Jennifer LMoosman, J. 2002 . “Dissertation. Proquest Information and Learning”. In Vicarious traumatization: The effects of empathy and trait arousability
(1997). Vicarious traumatization in counsellors working in the New South Wales Sexual Assault Service: An exploratory study. Work & Stress, 11(4), 319-328.Johnson, C. N. E., & Hunter, M. (1997). Vicarious traumatization in counsellors working in the New South Wales Sexual Assault ...