步骤一: 在Linux系统中进入终端,使用root权限安装Vim-airline插件。sudo apt-get install vim-airline 步骤二:编辑vim的配置文件,设置插件。vim ~/.vimrc set laststatus=2 let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1 let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_nr_show = 1 let g:airline#e...
A note for myself on how to show line number in vi. Always need to edit my code in vi mode, but my vi doenst show line number by default. and i always look for the command to show line number in vi. This is very inefficient. So i decided to made this pos
To show line number in vi editor, follow the steps below:- Continue reading How to show line number in vi / vim editor » Tags: linux vi show line number, show line number, vi editor show line number, vi line number, vi show line no, vi show line number Posted in Linux | 1 ...
Type:set number(brings you into command mode) Line numbers, voila! Vim – show line numbers Simple Deletion The two basic usages of the d-shortcut, delete a single line or delete a single word. #dd dw Let’s remove line 19. With the cursor on the line, a simple press ofddand it...
You show vim line numbers by issuing this vim “set number” command: :set number That command tells vim to display a line number before each line it displays on screen. Then, if you want to turn off this line number display you can just issue this vi command: ...
Vim supports three modes of line numbering that helps you navigate through the files. In this guide, we will show you how to display or hide line numbers in Vim / Vi text editor.
number (nu):用在左边的行号来显示行。 shiftwidth (sw):此选项带有一个值,用此值来定义一个软件制表位(tabstop)的宽度。(这个软件制表位用于<<和>>命令。)例如,你可以用此命令来设置偏移宽度为4:set sw=4。 showmode(smd):此选项用于显示你所用的编辑器的实际模式。如果你在插入(insert)模式下,屏幕的最...
●在文件内替换所有的字符串old为新的字符串new :%s/old/new/g ●进行全文替换时询问用户确认每个替换需添加c选项 :%s/old/new/gc 9、设置vi ●显示行号 :set number ●取消行号显示 :set nonumber ●设置显示用户模式 :set showmode ●设置文件只读 :set readonly (转载的)...
How to display line numbers along the left side of the editor? Enter following command while using vi text editor :setnu It will looks like as below: To turn off the display of line number, try :setnu! But most of time, I would like to set it up and keep line number display as ...
syntax hightlight and completionsyntax on"---" Vim UI"---" color schemeset background=darkcolor solarizednnoremap <silent><F4> :TlistToggle<CR>let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = '/usr/bin/ctags' "设定Linux系统中ctags程序的位置"let Tlist_Auto_Open = 1let Tlist_Show_One_File = 1 ...