Accessed on 7/15/03.UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Education statistics. [].UNESCO (2012), UNESCO Institute for Statistics, international-student-flow-viz.aspxUNESCO Institute for Sta...
Harvard Business ReviewManagementThe article announces that the Harvard Business Review will published six times a year beginning in January 1948. It also offers information on its bimonthly issues and subscription rates.doi:10.1001/jama.1896.0243056000300...
To investigate the effect of age on treatment choice and survival in patients with breast , data from the registry of the Netherlands Institute (NKI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) on 611 women have been analyzed. All patients...
Hughes, Alan and Andrea Mina (2010). The Impact of The Patent System on SMEs. Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge Working Paper No.411.Hughes A., Mina A., (2010), “The im...
We did provide alternatives for different transcutaneous bilirubin (TcB) indices and different serum bilirubin levels.doi:10.1191/0961203304lu511xxM López-HoyosI AyerbeV M Martínez-TaboadaM J BartoloméR BlancoH López-EscribanoM PeñLupus...