英[ˈvenjuː] n.场地;(体育)场馆;会场;集合地点 网络场地介绍;场地地址;比赛地点 复数:venues 同义词 n. site,place,location,scene,setting 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. (体育)场馆;会场;场地;集合地点 2. 【法】犯罪地点;犯罪现场 3. 【法】审判地点...
Venueswill be designed to be multi - functional and adaptable for post - Games use. 建筑空间实现可变性和功能的多样化,为赛后利用和市场运作创造良好条件. 互联网 Delays to the opening ofvenueshave held up security arrangements. 场馆推迟开放耽搁了安保部署. ...
venues 来 provenance=pro(向前)+ven(来)+ance(表名词)=向前来→起源,出处 aven=a(向)+ven(来)=到来的路途→大街→林荫大道 +...的 fatigue=fatig(疲倦)+ue(...的)=疲劳;疲累 vagueness=vag(漫游)+ue(...的)+ness(名词)=漫游而思想不集中→含糊 ...
The meaning of VENUE is locale; also : a place where events of a specific type are held. How to use venue in a sentence.
Twitter Google Share on Facebook venue (redirected fromVenues) Thesaurus Medical Legal Encyclopedia ven·ue (vĕn′yo͞o) n. 1. a.The scene or setting in which something takes place; a locale:"that non-cinematic venue of popular nightmares, the discotheque"(P.J. O'Rourke). ...
Socially cued smoking in bars, nightclubs, and gaming venues: a case for introducing smoke-free policies. From Battle of the Bands to the Big Leagues: How do live music venues structure local music scenes? Impact of the Spanish smoking law on exposure to secondhand smoke in offices and hospi...
Market-leading IP video and digital signage solutions from VITEC enhance the entertainment that venues offer, by distributing high-quality live TV, video ..
With dozens of venues options, the Classic Catering team can transform any space into the custom event experience of your dreams.
Oculus Venues于今年6月登陆Quest,允许其与Go共同加入相同的社交VR活动平台。为了迎来即将登场的旗舰VR应用FacebookHorizon,团队正在对应用Oculus Venues进行大改。应用名称已经从“Oculus Venues”变成了“Venues”,并且正在以抢先体验的beta版本形式发行。但是,目前这款应用只向少数用户开放,所以你应该不会在Venues的...