2、 al vcsd定义m1 m2 timopt-line incdir 1 dir 2 memopt 2-sverilog-mhdl ad-full 64-comp 64 no specify Ming notcheck-ntb race-ova _ file file _ ova-y lib_dir lib_dir是引用库的目录,vcs从其中查找包含被引用模块的Verilog文件,这些文件的文件名必须与被引用模块的文件名相同。VCS用。v和。
+optconfigfile+foo use 'foo' as the optimization config file (See Release Notes) +vcsd enable the VCS Direct sim kernel interface -cmhelp enable CoverMeter help. CoverMeter should be installed and environment variable CM_HOME should be set. -cm enable VCS to first run cmSource to instrumen...
+vcsd、+memcbk、+vpi:这些是VCS的扩展选项,通常用于启用特定的功能或库。 -cm line+fsm+cond:指定覆盖率类型为line、fsm和cond。 -cm tgl:指定另一种覆盖率类型tgl。 -cm_hier ../cfg/rtl_vcm.cfg:指定覆盖率统计的范围,通过配置文件来指定。 -cm_dir ./${mode}/cov/simv.vdb:指定覆盖率统计结果的...
Our full service shop in El Cajon, San Diego, CA is a top notch factory and fully outfitted to produce the custom cabinets and doors you need for your next project! v Let's Talk Your needs are our highest priority, and we want to find just the right cabinets, doors and hardware for...
+vcsd enable the VCS Direct sim kernel interface -cmhelp enable CoverMeter help. CoverMeter should be installed and environment variable CM_HOME should be set. -cm enable VCS to first run cmSource to instrument the Verilog source files on the command line, and then to ...
(EXEC_SIMV)55. CMP_OPTIONS += +libext+.sv+.v +indir+/home/xiaotu/my_work/code_lib56. CMP_OPTIONS += +v2k +define+RTL_SAIF +notimingcheck +nospecify +vpi +memcbk +vcsd +plusarg_save +nospecify +udpsched57. CMP_OPTIONS += +vcs+lic+wait58. CMP_OPTIONS += -sverilog -full64...
>vcs source.v –I –line +vcsd >vcs source.v -RIG +cfgfile+filename 其中-RI 作用有两个:编译生成可以在VirSim中可执行的文件并且编译后马上启动Virsim; 要编译成可以在VirSim中可执行的文件必须在编译阶段加-I,在要生成vcd或vpd时这个参数一定要添加;-RIG通过一个已编译完成的默认的simv文件启动Virsim,...
2. 运行该可执行文件:./simv 类似于NC, 也有单命令行的方式:vcs source_files -R -R 命令表示, 编译后立即执行。 vcs常用的命令选项如下: -cm line|cond|fsm|tgl|obc|path 设定coverage的方式 +define+macro=value+ 预编译宏定义 -f filenameRTL文件列表 ...
Slang, Chat & Pop culture (1) Sort results:alphabetical| rank? Rank Abbr.Meaning VCSVice City Stories (Grand Theft Auto game) showing onlySlang/Internet Slangdefinitions (show all 71 definitions) Note: We have 218 other definitions forVCSin our Acronym Attic ...