vcs -kdb -lca -noIncrComp +lint=TFIPC-L +lint=PCWM -debug_all -P /xxx/synopsys/verdi/xxxxxx/ /xxx/synopsys/verdi/xxx/pli.a top_module_name -l elab.log -Mdir=/xxx/incr_compile -o /xxx/simv Step 3: Run simulation 命令例子: simv +FSDBDUMP +FSDBFILE=xxx.rtl...
命令例子: vcs -kdb -lca -noIncrComp +lint=TFIPC-L +lint=PCWM -debug_all -P /xxx/synopsys/verdi/xxxxxx/ /xxx/synopsys/verdi/xxx/pli.a top_module_name -l elab.log -Mdir=/xxx/incr_compile -o /xxx/simv Step 3: Run simulation 命令例子: simv +FSDBDUMP +FSDBFI...
命令例子: vcs -kdb -lca -noIncrComp +lint=TFIPC-L +lint=PCWM -debug_all -P /xxx/synopsys/verdi/xxxxxx/ /xxx/synopsys/verdi/xxx/pli.a top_module_name -l elab.log -Mdir=/xxx/incr_compile -o /xxx/simv Step 3: Run simulation 命令例子: simv +FSDBDUMP +FSDBFI...
1.1 VCS常⽤的编译选项 选项说明 -assert dumpoff | enable_diag | filter_past 定义SystemVerilog断⾔(SVA)dumpoff:禁⽌将SVA信息DUMP到VPD中 enable_diag:使能SVA结果报告由运⾏选项进⼀步控制filter_past:忽略$past中的⼦序列 -cm <options>指定覆盖率的类型,包括:line(⾏覆盖)、cond(...
Impact: rtl Tell us about your environment: Chipyard Version: 1.3.0 OS: Linux 4.18.0-193.19.1.el8_2.x86_64 (Red Hat) Other: gcc version 8.3.1 20191121 (Red Hat 8.3.1-5) (GCC) VCS script version E-2011.03 What is the current behavior? Whe...
edited by ghost Hello, When I run make in the vsim directory, it yields the following: mkdir -p /home/alpha/rocket-chip/vsim/generated-src/ cd /home/alpha/rocket-chip && java -Xmx2G -Xss8M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -jar /home/alpha/rocket-chip/sbt-launch.jar "run-main rocketchip.Gen...
vcs -kdb -lca -noIncrComp +lint=TFIPC-L +lint=PCWM -debug_all -P /xxx/synopsys/verdi/xxxxxx/ /xxx/synopsys/verdi/xxx/pli.a top_module_name -l elab.log -Mdir=/xxx/incr_compile -o /xxx/simv Step 3: Run simulation 命令例子: simv +DUMP_FSDB +FSDB_FILENAME=...
The following 1-bit expression is connected to 2-bit port "scan_din" of module "SdramController_PLL_Master_phy_alt_mem_phy_clk_reset", instance "clk" Expression: scan_din[0] use lint=PCWM for more details Related Products This article applies to 3 products Show all De...