# 使用 vcpkg 安装 .\vcpkg\vcpkg install [package name]:x64-windows .\vcpkg\vcpkg install tesseract:x64-windows-static # 安装这个以使得能够外部IDE使用。 .\vcpkg\vcpkg integrate install 04 vscode 配置 安装插件 CMake 和 CMake Tools 然后
Runsw build org.sw.demo.google.tesseract.tesseract-master. For visual studio project using tesseract SetupVcpkg the Visual C++ Package Manager. Runvcpkg install tesseract:x64-windows for 64-bit. Use –head for the master branch. Static linking To bui...
https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract 命令行切换至 tesseract 源码目录下,执行: 编译生成静态 api 库命令: vcpkg install tesseract:x64-windows-static 编译生成动态库 api 命令: vcpkg install tesseract:x64-windows 然后等它全部下载、配置、编译完成即可。完成后,命令行类似这样: 编译完生成的 tesseract ...
openssl:x86-windows-static-md 1.1.1g#1 OpenSSL is an open source project that provides ... pcre2:x86-windows-static-md 10.35#1 PCRE2 is a re-working of the original Perl Compa... protobuf:x86-windows-static-md 3.13.0#1 Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format qt5-activeq...
vcpkg remove xyz:x64-windows --recurse 然后安装 vcpkg install xyz:x64-windows --recurse 发现xyz这个包还是坏的。也就是说,vcpkg会把前面默认的那个从缓存中读取出来,然后直接安装上去。 通过搜索发现,如果要vcpkg启动全新的安装,当用remove是不行的,一定要把 ...
Package: ffmpeg[avcodec,avdevice,avfilter,avformat,core,swresample,swscale]:x64-windows@6.1.1#10 Host Environment Host: x64-windows Compiler: MSVC 19.40.33813.0 vcpkg-tool version: 2024-07-10-d2dfc73769081bdd9b782d08d27794780b7a99b9 vcpk...
Furthermore, type “.\vcpkg\vcpkg install tesseract:x64-windows“ Wait for around 15-30 minutes for it to install depends on your computer speed. After all is install, type “.\vcpkg\vcpkg integrate install“ Open your C++ project. Right click & select properties on your main project soluti...
我使用Vcpkg安装tesseract,但是通过使用vcpkg,我获得了低速代码执行,我测试vcpkg来安装opencv,并将它与manuel安装进行比较,在没有vcpkg的第2次和与vcpkg的第13 浏览2提问于2018-11-30得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 错误:无法识别术语'bootstrap-vcpkg.bat‘:在Win10上为Visual Studio2017安装C和C++库时 、 我试图在...
我已经通过vcpkg安装了tesseract:x64-windows和tesseract:x64-windows-static。在我的Visual Studio项目中,我可以#include <tesseract/baseapi.h>,它会自动编译,但我不知道这个库的静态版本还是动态版本正在被链接,我也不知道如何在它们之间切换。 浏览21提问于2020-05-13得票数 0 回答已采纳 ...
tesseract 3.05.02 An OCR Engine that was developed at HP Labs between 1985 and 1995… and now a… theia 0.7-d15154a-3 An open source library for multiview geometry and structure from motion think-cell-range 498839d think-cell’s range library <https://think-cell.com> <https:/...