Host Environment: OS: Windows 10 Category: vcpkg-bug How I Got the Error: I ran the following command and received this error: vcpkg install sfml The resulting error message: CMake Error at scripts/cmake/
./vcpkg install sfml i got this error -- Building x86-windows-dbg -- Restarting Build without parallelism because memory exceeded CMakeErrorat scripts/cmake/vcpkg_execute_build_process.cmake:145 (message): Command failed: C:/Dev/vcpkg/downloads/tools/cmake-3.19.2-windows/cmake-3.19.2-win...
這個屬性會控制三重項,以取用的連結庫,例如x64-windows-static或arm64-windows。 如果未明確設定,vcpkg 會根據您的Visual Studio設定來推算正確的三重。 vcpkg 只會推斷使用動態連結庫連結和動態CRT連結的三胞胎;如果您想要靜態相依性或使用靜態 CRT (/MT),則必須手動設定三重。
CMake Error at scripts/cmake/vcpkg_execute_build_process.cmake:134 (message): Command failed: "C:/Program Files/CMake/bin/cmake.exe" --build . --config Debug --target install -- -v -j13 Working Directory: D:/vcpkg/buildtrees/brotli/x64-mingw-dynamic-dbg See logs for more informati...
在“库目录”字段中,添加Vcpkg的安装目录,例如:C:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\lib。 确保选择了正确的平台和配置(例如,x64和Debug)。 单击“应用”按钮保存更改。 Vcpkg包未在Vcpkg目录中:如果Vcpkg包未在Vcpkg的安装目录中,可能是因为未正确使用Vcpkg安装所需的库。可以通过在命令行中运行vcpkg install <package...
x64-windows-static -> 2.6.3 * sdl2-image:x86-windows -> 2.6.3 * sdl2-ttf:x64-windows -> 2.20.2 * sdl2-ttf:x64-windows-static -> 2.20.2 * sdl2-ttf:x86-windows -> 2.20.2 * sfml:x64-windows -> 2.6.1 * sfml:x64-windows-static -> 2.6.1 * sfml:x86-windows -> 2.6....
x64-uwp.cmake x64-windows-static.cmake x64-windows.cmake x86-uwp.cmake x86-windows-static.cmake x86-windows.cmake List of libraries (08/17/2018) To see the list of the 759 libraries (1054 available packages) use vcpkg search: 3fd 2.6.2 C++ Framework For Fast Development abs...
entityx 1.2.0 freeimage 3.17.0 gdal 1.11.3 globjects 1.0.0 http-parser 2.7.1 icu 58.1 libflac 1.3.1-1 libssh2 1.8.0 nana 1.4.1 qca 2.2.0 sfml 2.4.1 shaderc 2df47b51d83ad83cbc2e7f8ff2b56776293e8958 uwebsockets 0.12.0 yaml-cpp 0.5.4 candidate ...
使用Visual Studio和vcpkg的SFML上的CMake find_package错误 在github操作中运行-vcpkg和run-cmake :系统无法找到仅在windows上指定的路径 Ubuntu上的Serverside Swift和Vapor CMake和vcpkg x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld:交叉编译时找不到-lOpenGL32 怎么查看ubuntu上的端口和地址 ...
vcpkg install boost:x64-windows boost:x64-windows-staticboost:x86-windows I wanted to make sure I got the Windows triplet installed correctly, I'm a "it works this way though probably not the best or easiest method" kinda guy, and it installed a butt-load of Boost libraries. As it sho...