E:\Users\stas\Projects\ladybird\old\ladybird-stasoid-2\Build\vcpkg\buildtrees\skia\build-x64-windows-dbg-out.log ninja: Entering directory `E:/Users/stas/Projects/ladybird/old/ladybird-stasoid-2/Build/vcpkg/buildtrees/skia/x64-windows-dbg' [1/955] compile ../src/335264b559-747e4e3c5f...
<unknown>:1:17: error: expected eof on expression: zlib:x64-windows[core] ^ vcpkg install <port name> <port name>... vcpkg install zlib zlib:x64-windows curl boost # After .\vcpkg.exe install zlib:x64-windows[core] error: expected the end of input parsing a package spec; did you...
/vcpkg/packages/member-thunk_x64-windows/include/member_thunk/error/region_full.hpp 1>-- Installing: Z:/vcpkg/packages/member-thunk_x64-windows/include/member_thunk/error/region_not_empty.hpp 1>-- Installing: Z:/vcpkg/packages/member-thunk_x64-windows/include/member_thunk/error/win32_error...
x64-windows-static.cmake x64-windows.cmake x86-uwp.cmake x86-windows-static.cmake x86-windows.cmake List of libraries (08/17/2018) To see the list of the 759 libraries (1054 available packages) use vcpkg search: 3fd 2.6.2 C++ Framework For Fast Development abseil 7/30/2018 ...
cppwinrt cppzmq 0.0.0-1 cryptopp 5.6.5 double-conversion 2.0.1 dxut 11.14 fastlz 1.0 freeglut 3.0.0 geos 3.5.0 gettext 0.19 glbinding 2.1.1 glog 0.3.4-0472b91 harfbuzz 1.3.2 jxrlib 1.1 libbson 1.4.2 libccd 2.0.0 ...
x64-windows-static.cmake x64-windows.cmake x86-uwp.cmake x86-windows-static.cmake x86-windows.cmake List of libraries (08/17/2018) To see the list of the 759 libraries (1054 available packages) use vcpkg search: 3fd 2.6.2 C++ Framework For Fast Development abseil 7/3...
Describe the bug opencv (arm64 windows static version) LNK2001 error Environment OS: windows 11 arm64 virtual machine Compiler: Visual Studio 2022 version 17.10.5 To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: ./vcpkg install opencv4:arm6...
PS F:\code\vcpkg> .\vcpkg.exe install libtorrent:x64-windows --debug [DEBUG] Feature flag 'binarycaching' unset [DEBUG] Feature flag 'manifests' unset [DEBUG] Feature flag 'compilertracking' unset [DEBUG] Feature flag 'registries' unset ...
x64-windows -- Building x64-windows-dbg CMake Error at scripts/cmake/vcpkg_execute_build_process.cmake:134 (message): Error: Command failed: C:/actions-runner/_work/_temp/935188765/cmake-3.28.3-windows-x86_64/bin/cmake.exe --build . --config Debug --target install -- -v -j9 ...