默认情况下,Vcpkg使用的编译环境是x86-windows, x64-linux.cmake或x64-osx.cmake。 > vcpkg install boost:x86-windows The following packages will be built and installed: boost:x86-windows * bzip2:x86-windows * zlib:x86-windows Additional packages (*) will be installed to complete this opera...
例如,仅安装在 Windows 操作系统、ARM64 架构和 x64 上的 Linux 上的依赖项将被写入(windows & arm64) | (linux & x64)。 常见的标识符有: 操作系统:windows、uwp、linux、osx(包括 macOS)、android、emscripten 架构:x86, x64, wasm32, arm64, arm(由于向后兼容,包括 arm32 和 arm64) 示例: vcpkg...
[5/297] C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /C "cd /D E:\Gemini\Src\vb\tmp\x64-windows-dbg\src\pdf && E:\Gemini\Src\21\obj\vcpkg_installed\x64-windows\tools\Qt6\bin\syncqt.exe @E:/Gemini/Src/vb/tmp/x64-windows-dbg/src/pdf/Pdf_syncqt_args && "C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake...
>vcpkg install boost:x86-windows The following packages will be built and installed: boost:x86-windows * bzip2:x86-windows * zlib:x86-windows Additional packages (*) will be installed to complete this operation. For CMAKE projects, use use CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE to make libraries available w...
"boost-asio", "openssl" ] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 其中:"name"为依赖项的名称。"default-features"为是否启用默认特性。"features"为依赖项的指定特性。 platform "platform"为当前依赖指定的平台,若编译环境不在该平台上则不会生成该依赖。
JSON Copy "dependencies": [ { "name": "arrow", "default-features": false, "features": [ "json", { "name": "mimalloc", "platform": "windows" } ] }, "boost-asio", "openssl", { "name": "picosha2", "platform": "!windows" } ] ...
asio 1.12.1 Asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming… asmjit 673dcefaa048c… Complete x86/x64 JIT and Remote Assembler for C++ assimp 4.1.0-2 The Open Asset import library atk 2.24.0-2 GNOME Accessibility Toolkit atkmm 2.24.2 atkmm is t...
boost-di 1.0.1 bullet3 catch 1.5.7 chakracore cppwinrt cppzmq 0.0.0-1 cryptopp 5.6.5 double-conversion 2.0.1 dxut 11.14 fastlz 1.0 freeglut 3.0.0 geos 3.5.0 gettext 0.19 glbinding 2.1.1 ...
It will install all of the dependencies for the default triplet into <directory containing vcpkg.json>/vcpkg_installed. If you want to switch the triplet (for example, this is very common on windows, where the default triplet is x86-windows, not x64-windows), you can pass it with the -...
./vcpkg integrate install 2. 设置环境变量 确保VCPKG 的环境变量已经正确设置。你可以在终端中运行以下命令来设置环境变量: 代码语言:txt 复制 export VCPKG_ROOT=/path/to/vcpkg export PATH=$VCPKG_ROOT/bin:$PATH 然后在 VSCode 中打开一个新的终端窗口,确保环境变量已经生效。