if(testtestplusargs("DUMP_FILE")) result =valuevalueplusargs("DUMP_FILE=%s",waveform_name); $fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile(150,waveform_name,100); $fsdbDumpflush; #start_dump; //select dump signals $fsdbDumpvars(0,xx_tb); end end
"FWIW, @clx7913: you don't need to run these tests. If you want to generate a waveform, you can use the +verbose option when running one of these programs." And i tried some modification in ~/emulator/Makefile based on my understanding about your comment, like that: add "-v$@.vcd...
WLF(Wave Log File) 是Mentor Graphics 公司Modelsim⽀持的波形⽂件。但我们在波形窗⼝观察波形时,仿真结束时都会⽣成⼀个*.wlf的⽂件(默认是vsim.wlf)。我们下次就可以通过通过modelsim直接打开这个保存下来的波形。vsim -view vsim.wlf -do run.do 其中run.do中的内容为要查看的波形信号。要强调...
Verilog simulators can create VCD files, which can then be read by other software tools, such as waveform displays, toggle testers, and code coverage tools.doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-1713-9_45Stuart SutherlandSutherland HDL, IncSpringer International...
在上面的示例代码中,我们已经将波形数据转换为了一个列表waveform_list,其中每个元素是一个包含时间戳和信号值的元组。 如果你需要使用NumPy数组进行处理,可以进一步转换: python import numpy as np # 假设waveform_list已经包含了解析后的波形数据 timestamps, values = zip(*waveform_list) # 转换为NumPy数组 time...
In other words, can vivado display the vcd file that it previously created. Thanks,Simulation & Verification Like Answer Share 3 answers 1.9K views Top Rated Answers graces (AMD) 5 years ago **BEST SOLUTION** No, it's not supported. You can alternatively view the vcd waveform in 3rd ...
代 to tape.,esitctrl+qfile list. 11、在弹出的文件保存对话框的下方点击“setting”按钮,弹出音频设置对话框, 在file type”一项中选择“windows waveform 一项,如图export audio settingsg&nersjl|microsot dv avi |windows waveformmicrosoft dv avi microsoft avil_ quicktimecurrent setrxmr:返回文件保存对话框...
在弹出的文件保存对话框的下方点击“setting”按钮,弹出音频设置对话框,在“File Type”一项中选择“Windows Waveform”一项,如图 返回文件保存对话框起一个文件名称保存音频文件! 3、用超级解霸的音频工具把WAV音频文件转换成MP3格式文件!因为MPEG2VCR不认WAV文件,真是岂有此理 4、用MPEG2VCR把加工后的音频文件与原先...
A Value Change Dump (VCD) file contains information about value changes on selected variables in the design stored by value change dump system tasks. In brief, a VCD file defines the names of nets and variables that have been "dumped" to the file, plus the simulation time and new logic ...
You can use 'quit -sim' which will end the simulation and write the VCD file, but keep the Questa GUI invoked. LikeLikedUnlikeReply jmsoutino6168 9 months ago thanks for reply, this also closes the simulation and the waveform so if I want to continue ...