What happened? As described in this issue, there is a wrong version contained within the file c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\Microsoft.VCToolsVersion.v143.default.props. The version should be ...
Description As described in azure-pipelines-agent issue #4554 and this Developer Community post, the current windows-2022 runner image has a wrong toolset version in the Microsoft.VCToolsVersion.v143.default.props file, leading to linker...
We have noticed that using MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 Build Tools (17.34-17.4) sets $(VCToolsRedistInstallDir) to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.34.31931\ where the installed folder is really in C:\Program Fil...
1900 = VS2015 14.0 (v140 toolset) 1910-1919 = VS2017 15.0 (v141 toolset) 1920-1929 = VS2019 16.0 (v142 toolset) 1930-1949 = VS2022 17.0 (v143 toolset)
This problem prevents me to configure CMake project with-T "v143,host=x64,version=14.36.32532", which relies on this file with bug: Project "C:\\projects\\test\\Build\\CMakeFiles\\3.26.4\\CompilerIdC\\CompilerIdC.vcxproj" on node 1 (default targets)....
<PropertyGroupCondition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'"Label="Configuration"><ConfigurationType>Application</ConfigurationType><UseDebugLibraries>true</UseDebugLibraries><PlatformToolset>v143</PlatformToolset><CharacterSet>Unicode</CharacterSet></PropertyGroup> ...
- MSVC v143 - VS 2022 - MSVC v142 - VS 2019 - MSVC v141 - VS 2017 - MSVC v140 - VS 2015 找到VS安装文件夹,例如,VS2022应该像C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community,VS2019应该是C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community。然后转到CRT文件夹。我已经安装...
set PLATFORM_TOOLSET=v143 goto msbuild-found @rem Look for Visual Studio 2019 :vs-set-2019 if defined target_env if "%target_env%" NEQ "vs2019" goto msbuild-not-found echo Looking for Visual Studio 2019 @rem VCINSTALLDIR may be set if run from a VS Command Prompt and needs...
AEGPROFIBUS DPV1备件 E+HFTI55-AAA1RV143A1A 350MM备件 HYDAC传感器EDS345-1-250-Y00 MAHLEPI40010-015NBR备件 MTSRHM0720MF021A01位移传感器 HYDAC插头ZBE08 BURKERT0124C 4.0FKMPDG1/4 PN0-5Bar 230V50HZ备件 PHOENIXAB-SK 3062090备件 I+AHU45/12/1400-4KAL风机 ...
SIEMENS 低压电器:3RV、3RT、3TK、3RW40、3RW44、3RW49、3UG、3RA、3RK 3SF、3RH、3NP、3TC、3TG、3VF、3VL、3RN、3RB、3KL、3RS、3SX、3RP 3TX、3NE、3NA、3NC、3WL等系列。 伺服电机;1FK、1FT、1PH及EBM风机M2D068-BF、CF、DF等系列。 伺服传动:工程变频6SE70及配件、6SY7000、6...