npm missing any vc++ toolset 文心快码BaiduComate 当你遇到npm提示“missing any vc++ toolset”的问题时,这通常意味着你的系统缺少必要的编译工具,特别是当你尝试安装或构建需要编译的npm包(如某些C++扩展或原生模块)时。以下是对该问题的详细分析和解决步骤: 1. 确认用户遇到的问题 你遇到的问题是npm在尝试安装... 从一个外行角度看,VC/VS有3种版本号,具备一定的迷惑性:(xx表示具体的数字) MSVC++ xx(VC版本 eg. VC6.0) _MSC_VER xx VisualStudio xx(VS版本 eg. VS2012) 对照关系整理如下(更新至2022.3.26): VC 版本 _MSC_VER VS 版本 MSVC toolset version VC6.0...
toolset: 'v143', version: '17.11.35222.181', versionMajor: 17, versionMinor: 11, versionYear: 2022 }) })it('VSSetup: VS2022 with C++ workload without SDK', async function () { const finder = new TestVisualStudioFinder(semverV1, null) ...
解决办法很简单,在“预处理器定义”中定义自己的宏就行了,例如添加一条“_MSC_PLATFORM_TOOLSET=$(PlatformToolsetVersion)” 然后就能在程序中通过_MSC_PLATFORM_TOOLSET宏来判断平台工具集了,例如—— #if(_MSC_PLATFORM_TOOLSET > 100)//Visual Stdio 2010 (v100)...#endif 参考文献 ~~~ Visual Studio: h...
Description As described in azure-pipelines-agent issue #4554 and this Developer Community post, the current windows-2022 runner image has a wrong toolset version in the Microsoft.VCToolsVersion.v143.default.props file, leading to linker...
包括 v140 和 v141 工具集。 v141 工具集包含 Visual Studio 2017 版本 15.5 中的最近改进。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Visual Studio Build Tools now include the VS2017 and VS2015 MSVC Toolsets(Visual Studio 生成工具现在包含 VS2017 和 VS2015 MSVC 工具集)。
MSVC_TOOLSET_VERSION 1200 = VS 6.0 1300 = VS 7.0 1310 = VS 7.1 1400 = VS2005 8.0 (v80 toolset) 1500 = VS2008 9.0 (v90 toolset) 1600 = VS2010 10.0 (v100 toolset) 1700 = VS2012 11.0 (v110 toolset) 1800 = VS2013 12.0 (v120 toolset) ...
We found a potential optimization bug or an undefined behavior in the ARM64 C++ compiler (native arm64 cl.exe targeting arm64, no emulation involved) in Visual Studio 2022 17.10.3 (toolset 14.40.33807, compiler version 19.40.33811) running on native Windows 11 ARM64. ...
We were previously on VS 17.7.4 which had VC toolset version 14.37.32822 but the latest ingestion has updated it to 14.38.33130. Here is my build command: F:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\bin\HostX86\arm64\link.exe /E...
VC++ 2017 version 15.8 v14.15 toolset VC++ 2017 version 15.9 v14.16 latest v141 tools VC++ 2017 version 15.9 v14.16 Libs for Spectre (ARM) VC++ 2017 version 15.9 v14.16 Libs for Spectre (ARM64) VC++ 2017 version 15.9 v14.16 Libs for Spectre (x86 and x64) ...