I ran into an error where origin said "Cannot access file: ." once I hit that error, I tried running origin as Administrator and now in trying to repair Sims 4 to regain access I receive the error: "Error: The VC++ runtime redistributable package was not installed successfully. Setup...
So basically, i bought the new EA FC game, and when trying to install it in my EA APP , it has come across a problem, as shown in the pictures below i cannot continue past the installation part because its always the same error, i don't know the reason of the error or how to ...
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable latest supported downloads Redistributable Package installation fails C2653 or C2039 error when you reference a STD function Call Run() method of a Script control Can't change the state of a menu item
第二种方法就是叫你用最新的win7补丁,点Method2里的链接安装就好第三种方法就是叫你修复后安装网页链接第四种方法其实就是下载个安装包然后替换掉,那里面method4中第二个链接是微软给出的2010安装包。也就是这个链接“Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)”网页链接 第20 楼2019-02-11回复 8...
遇到电脑安装软件时提示丢失vcruntime140.dl文件的问题,可以按照以下方法解决。1. 重新安装Microsoft Visual C Redistributable包:vcruntime140.dl是Microsoft Visual C Redistributable包的一个组件,可以从Microsoft官方网站下载并安装最新的Visual C Redistributable包。根据你的操作系统和位数选择正确...
Microsoft Application Error Reporting failing to install, any ideas? Microsoft document explorer Microsoft Integration Services Projects to Visual Studio 2019 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client Package Failed Microsoft VC++ 2012 Redistributable (x86) -11.0.61030 - Installation setup failed - 0x800700...
“vcruntime140.dll缺失”的问题通常是因为系统中缺少了Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable组件。这个问题挺常见的,vcruntime140.dll是Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable的一部分,如果这个组件没有正确安装或者损坏了,就可能出现这个错误。简单来说,就是电脑里缺了个重要的小零件。要解决...
vcruntime140_1.dll由微软公司(Microsoft Corporation)开发,与Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package紧密关联。Visual C++ Redistributable是微软提供的一个软件包,包含了运行由Visual C++编译器生成的程序所必需的运行时库文件。这些库文件提供了标准C++库、C运行时库(CRT)、ATL(Active Template Library)以及MFC(Mi...
首先,我们需要了解一下vcruntime140.dll是什么。vcruntime140.dll是Visual C++ Redistributable的一个重要组件,它包含了运行使用Visual Studio 2015开发的C++程序所需的一些运行时库函数。当这个文件丢失或损坏时,依赖它的程序就无法正常运行,从而弹出错误提示。二、下载vcruntime140.dll文件 既然知道了问题的根源,...