Crosshair for Valorant app shows you the most popular professional player's Valorant crosshairs with detailed information. Based on that information, you can customize or use the current crosshair. App also includes troll ones if you want to have some fun at playing game. You can search for a...
Mütiş Artık Valodaki rus domuzlarını daha kolay avlayabiliyorum. Teşekkür ederim. Aralara biraz ücretsiz crosshair koymuşlar. Onun dışında listedeki çoğu crossa erişebilmek için ücretli abone olmanız gerekiyor. Ücretsizlere girerken de reklam ç...
Crosshair for Valorant app shows you the most popular professional player's Valorant crosshairs with detailed information. Based on that information, you can customize or use the current crosshair. App also includes troll ones if you want to have some fun at playing game. You can search for a...