With new technology comes new ways to help people. This story shows a great use of AI that is starting to be rolled out in Tennessee. This one can help those who may be blind, deaf or neurodiverse navigate the Tennessee State Library and Archives from an app on their smart phone. -Le...
Tennessee Valley Healthcare System, Murfreesboro, TN, USATranslational Behavioral MedicineSimmons SF, Durkin DW, Shotwell MS, Erwin S, Schnelle JF. A staff training and management intervention in VA long-term care: impact on feeding assistance care quality. Transl Behav Med 2013 Jun;3(2):189-...
Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development, Tennessee Valley Healthcare System (626)/Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA Jacklyn N. Hellwege, Digna R. Velez Edwards, Ayush Giri, Eric S. Torstenson, Jacob M. Keaton, Cecilia P. Chung, Todd L. Edwards & Adriana M. Hung Division of ...
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