The research work of Jean-Marie Lehn led in 1968 to the synthesis of cage-like molecules that form inclusion complexes, the cryptates, with various metal ions. With this began his research on the chemical basis of 'molecular recognition' (i.e. the way in which a receptor molecule recognizes...
33. Parents who carry out their own right and duty to form their children for chastity can be certain that they are helping them in turn to build stable and united families, thus anticipating, insofar as this is possible, the joys of paradise: "How can I ever express the ...
Anche a voi, Gesù chiede se conoscete i comandamenti, se vi preoccupate di formare la vostra coscienza secondo la legge divina e se li mettete in pratica. Certo, si tratta di domande controcorrente rispetto alla mentalità attuale, che propone una libertà svincolata da valori, da ...
The answer to the proposeddubiumdoes not preclude the blessings given to individual persons with homosexual inclinations[10], who manifest the will to live in fidelity to the revealed plans of God as proposed by Church teaching. Rather, it declares illicit any form of blessing that tends to ack...
Upon returning to Tokyo, Professor Mizushima focussed his attention on the structure of molecules, particularly their internal rotation. Studying dipole moments and the Raman spectra of 1,2-dihalogenoethanes, he discovered a new rotational isomeric form which he named "gauche", in 1934. This disc...
A narrow form of punishment that would exclude hope is torture rather than punishment. Based on this, I would reaffirm the position of the Church against the death penalty. It is true that, as I have been told, medieval and post-medieval theology considered the death penalty to entail hope...
Corso di Alta formazione “Il fondamento etico della politica: modelli dialogici” 10 Dicembre 2024 Dal 21 dicembre al 1° gennaio, la chiusura dell’Università per le festività natalizie 9 Dicembre 2024 Sua Eminenza Reverendissima, il Sig. Cardinale Baldassare Reina, nominato Gran Cancel...
But those situations have not vanished without a trace; they have contributed toward making us what we are today, and so, after all, they form part of our own history. In a culture which has become deeply secularized, embers of faith still glow and are simply waiting to be re-ignited....
Accepting this assumption, in turn, can lead to the notion that Catholicism, and indeed Christianity as a whole, is merely one form among many of the generic human reality called "religion". This is not the message of the Second Vatican Council, which boldly proclaimed the centrality for ...
The Department of XV-XVI Century Art took on its present form in 2008, with the implementation of Title IV of the new Internal Regulations of the Museums, which came into force on 1 October of that year (Regulations of the Directorate of the Museums, Vatican City), with the task of ...