No, the VA does not pay for assisted living costs like room and board.[01] However, veterans, surviving spouses, and other military-connected individuals, at their discretion, may be able to use VA pension funds, VA survivor funds, and VA disability payments to cover some or all of the ...
Concurrent Retirement Disability Pay (CRDP)is also referred to as Concurrent Receipt. CRDP was passed in 2004 and applies to military retirees who have a combined VA disability rating of 50% or greater. Military retirees who have a service-connected disability rating of 50% or higher are eligi...
Retirees with a VA disability rating of 40% or lower will have their military retirement pay reduced by the amount of disability compensation they receive from the VA. However, VA disability compensation is tax-free. So the net gain works in the veteran’s favor....
However, the combination of your disability benefits and any other income must not exceed the maximum annual pension rate. If you meet the requirements for both programs, you can only receive one benefit. In this circumstance, the VA will award you the benefit that will pay you higher ...
You don't need to have a disability caused by service or to have served in combat operations or during wartime to be able to get VA health care. But in some cases, you'll pay copays for medical treatment—depending on your type of service....
VA benefits help veterans with mesothelioma pay for many different types of care. For example, you may be able to receive low-cost medical care or financial compensation for lost wages. The VA will carefully assess your claim to determine whether you qualify for certain benefits. Disability Compe...
Please provide a brief description if you have a claim involving veteran disability benefits. If you have a copy of the VA decision that you’re dissatisfied with, please feel free to upload it below. This is optional, but it can be helpful. ...
Retirees, VA Disability Recipients to Get Biggest Pay Raise Since 2012Military retirees and those who receive disability checks will see a 2 percent pay raise in their monthly paychecks in 2018.Heather Sweeney
If you have an injury that’s still bothering you, which you received as a result of service to the military, and you’re not receiving disability benefits, it’s time to look into it. If one of your loved ones struggles with an injury, or more crucially, with PTSD, the VA offers ...
The Rep for Vets has been assisting veterans increase their VA disability rating by assisting them with the VA claims process for decades.