uwsgi 的processes和threads 文章目录 前言 一、uWSGI是什么? 二、参数详解 二、常用命令 前言 本文目的:记录在使用uWSGI中常用的参数和命令 一、uWSGI是什么? uWSGI是一个Web服务器,它实现了WSGI协议、uwsgi、http等协议。Nginx中HttpUwsgiModule的作用是与uWSGI服务器进行交换。 uwsgi是一个通用server服务器,支持Pyth...
1.Thread在达到设置的MinWorkerThreadsPerCore后,线程数量会以两个的两个加载,一般在启动服务前我们会先设置线程数,代码如下: int minWorkerThreadsPerCore=100; int minIOThreadsPerCore=100; int maxWorkerThreadsPerCore=1000; int maxIOThreadsPerCore=1000; ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(minWorkerThreadsPerCore * En...
通过合理配置processes、threads和workers,可以提高 uWSGI 的性能和效率,满足不同类型应用的需求。
* processes 和 workers 参数的含义是一样的,理解为 进程, threads 就在 每个 processes 或 workers 下 运行的线程数了。 代码语言:javascript 复制 --py-auto-reload monitor python modules mtime to trigger reload (use only in development) --py-autoreload monitor python modules mtime to trigger reload ...
uWSGI --workers 1 --threads 100: uWSGI --workers 10 --threads 10 (here was worse than with 100 threads, memory usage was jumped from 40 to 100%, CPU was fully utilized, and i barely managed to kill uWSGI with Ctrl+C): And after kill: ...
master =trueprocesses = 4# 多个work进程enable-threads =true# 允许启动多线程#lazy-apps = true # 后面再说http = :3000 die-on-term =truepidfile = ./uwsgi.pidchdir= /home/test/app disable-logging =truelog-maxsize = 5000000 daemonize = /home/test/app/log.log ...
[uwsgi]# http= maximum number of worker processesprocesses=4threads=2# Django's wsgi filemodule=django_rest_framework_tutorial.wsgi:application# chmod-socket=664# uid=www-data# gid=www-data# clear environment on exitvacuum=true ...
processes = 4 threads = 2 master = true enable-threads = true daemonize = /root/searchmarket/marketSearch/uwsgi.log buffer-size = 21573 稍微解释一下,不一定多,可作参考。 chdir是当前项目的路径 module算是wsgi.py这个文件的路径吗 ?好像是的,但是为什么要写成这样子呢 ?
[uwsgi]#http= number of worker processesprocesses=4threads=2#Django's wsgi filemodule=django_rest_framework_tutorial.wsgi:application#chmod-socket=664#uid=www-data#gid=www-data#clear environment on exitvacuum= true ...
touch-chain-reload=/mnt/run/reload_lobby1 enable-threads=true single-interpreter=true [base] ;加载指定的python WSGI模块 module=mysite.wsgi ;开启主进程模式 master=true ;设置socket的监听队列大小(默认:100) listen=100 ;设置工作进程的数量,默认可以设置为cpu核数*2 processes=2 ;定义日志格式 ;log...