三、threads & enable-threads python中存在GIL,实际上不存在真正意义上的多线程,但是否需要,这个就根据各自但需求设定了。结合processes: processes=2threads=4 表示2个进程,每个进程中有4个线程。 由于GIL的存在,uwsgi索性默认不支持多线程,不对GIL进行初始化。但如果希望程序中的线程发挥作用,需要加入enable-threads...
pidfile = /var/run/uwsgi.pid #指定pid文件 enable-threads = true #允许用内嵌的语言启动线程。这将允许你在app程序中产生一个子线程 reload-mercy = 8 #设置在平滑的重启(直到接收到的请求处理完才重启)一个工作子进程中,等待这个工作结束的最长秒数。这个配置会使在平滑地重启工作子进程中,如果工作进程结...
RuntimeError: The scheduler seems to be running under uWSGI, but threads have been disabled. You must run uWSGI with the --enable-threads option for the scheduler to work, 白话:uWSGI调度器正在运行,但线程已被禁用 解决 uwsgi.ini里面添加: http-timeout = 86400 enable-threads = true 总的uwsgi...
关于权限:如果使用的是unix socket那么需要注意文件的权限;启动uwsgi时默认按root,但可通过uid gid来控制 默认没有GIL,在应用中创建的线程就不会运行 可通过enable-threads来启用 如果设置了threads选项(使用线程模型)会自动启用 在请求中启动一个新的进程会继承父进程的文件标识符,包括连接的socket,设置close-on-exec...
[uwsgi] http = :8000 wsgi-file = /python-demo/django-demo/myproject/myproject/wsgi.py callable = application # 指定socket 文件的位置 socket = /python-demo/django-demo/myproject/wsgi.sock # 设置socket 文件的权限 chmod-socket = 660 # 进程相关设置 master = true enable-threads = true thread...
<enable-threads>true</enable-threads> <workers>1</workers> <threads>1</threads> <processes>1</processes> </uwsgi> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. uwsgi -x {xml} -d /tmp/uwsgi.log 1. 但这样会导致启动的uwsgi太多,不便于管理。
gid=root#启用主进程master=true#自动移除unix socket和pid文件当服务停止的时候vacuum=true#徐丽华接受的内容,如果可能的话thunder-lock=true#启用线程enable-threads=true#设置自中断时间harakiri=30#设置缓冲post-buffering=4096#设置日志目录daemonize=/home/PythonProjects/script/uwsgi.log ...
(you can enable it with --thunder-lock) uwsgi socket 0 bound to TCP address fd 4 Python version: 2.7.3 (default, Jun 22 2015, 19:44:33) [GCC 4.6.3] *** Python threads support is disabled. You can enable it with --enable-threads *** Python main interpreter ...
enable-threads = true 07 workers = 1 08 wsgi-file = /root/nowamagic_venv/nowamagic_pj/nowamagic_pj/wsgi.py 09 virtualenv = /root/nowamagic_venv 10 chdir = /root/nowamagic_venv/nowamagic_pj 然后执行命令: 1 uwsgi --ini /root/nowamagic_venv/nowamagic_pj.ini& ...
; processes =8threads =1lazy =truelog-maxsize =102400000; enable-threads =true; pidfile = $(ST_DATA_PATH)/%n.pid ; pod 内查看 process 监控: uwsgitop127.0.0.1:8300stats =; 不记录uwsgi的request日志,只记录错误日志 disable-logging =true; 等同于 lazy =true. 在每个worker 里都...